It's meet and greet the parents week for Jake. All the parents seemed relatively normal, a lot of crying dads in this one. My dad never cried! The scariest parent is definitely Vienna's dad and I hope Jake was listening good when he said, "you have to treat my daughter like a princess". One word Jake RUN! Let's see life of a princess, I'm thinking maid, expensive cars (if she doesn't crash them first), reservations and lots and lots of spending, la de da. Gia says her family is from NY, but sounds more like Jersey Shore to me. Does she have a cousin Vinny? Next to Ali's hometown date in Williamstown MA. When Ali took Jake to her granny's empty house, I'm like where's the furniture instead focusing of Ali's heartbroken loss. Next it's Tenley's parents where Jake all but practically proposed to Tenley by asking her father for her hand in marriage. Oh can I say here, when Tenley was dancing, I was like Corn, I need some butter for my corn! Yeah, her dancing was kinda of corny. Makes me wanna be Shirely Jones and sing Oklahoma!
When they make it back to L.A. Ali lays a bomb on Jake telling him that she has to choose between him and her job. What is up with these people. Don't their bosses know in advance that they won't be at work for several months? As Ali tearfully said goodbye (and comb your hair girl), even though Jake told her she wasn't on the line, (she wasn't, then who?) she still left. I'm thinking that Ali's rational is, if she stayed and wasn't picked she would lose everything. What was that, better to have loved and lost and blah blah, blah.....
Did you see how big the smiles were when Chris told them that Ali had to leave. Ah shucks, one down, two to go.
I can't see Jake ending up with Vienna, man eater, and he doesn't seem in love with Gia, so do I hear another round of wedding bells for Tenley? Altho the teaser for next week is a call from Ali, could she be another Ed and win this whole thing? -Single D
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