Is this going to be a good season or what? All the guys we love and all the ones we love to hate. Villians, Boston Rob, Russell (I was robbed), Coach, Tyson, Parvarti, and that skinny, anorexic chick, what's her name, Courtney? For the heroes, some of my favorites, Stephanie, Tom, Colby, JT, Rupert, but hey, where's Ozzy? I would have loved to see JT go up against Ozzy. Country boy vs Jungle boy. They did throw in a few faces that were hard to remember, Candice and Sandra (she won?), guess they had to fill up slots with some of the lesser famous survivors.
Of course we all wanted the Heroes to win the first immunity challenge and they were off to a good start winning the reward challenge, but not with first dislocating a shoulder, Stephanie (shades of Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon, gads she's brave) and Rupert busting a toe (that's ok, you have 9 others right?). Heroes let go of a huge lead in the immunity challenge when they couldn't do the puzzle. Who put Sugar in the puzzle solving group? Where is former contestant Liz, she was a good puzzle solver. In the end, it got kinda of scary when they were throwing out Stephs name but I'm glad they came to their senses and voted out dimwit Sugar. She's sweet but can we stand another season of crying?
A few observations, Boston Rob has gotten mellow and soft (that's what a million dollars will do), JT too. Stephanie plucks her eyebrows way too much, maybe now they'll grow out on the island and Cirie a hero? Colby still looks hunky even if it has been ten years and Jerri is holding up pretty good for a cougar. Her and Coach, now that's an odd pair.
Just hope my favorites stick around long enough, but at this point, do we really care who wins?-Single D
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