So many shows, so little time. Biggest reason to watch Amazing Race this season is newly dating (what Big Brother was like last year?) Jordon and Jeff. Winning a million didn't make Jordon any smarter, as evident when the clue said Chile and she asked for tickets to China. Ya, I could see that mistake, they both start with C. I so definitely thought they might be the ones eliminated first with Jordon leading the way, but surprisingly they ended up first. Team Lesbo will be the team you love to hate. I so thought Brandy was going to ace walking the tightrope, but she barely made it to the otherside. Although all was forgiven when they chose the green paint, Martha Stewart, pre jail days. Major snaps to Dana and Adrian for total support they showed each other, but still got eliminated anyway. Aw, can't we give them another chance?-Single D
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