Survivor-Heroes vs Villians
Poor Rob, this episode really made me sympathize with him. If it was an act to garner viewers to rally to his side it worked! Is he that good of an actor? And having an epiphany in the end was the cherry on top of it. Who could have made better TV? I would have been fed up with my tribe too when no one would listen to him on how to build the shelter. Wasn't he after all in construction before all his reality fame? His little fainting spell has put a spell on me! Boston Rob is clearly ahead in my book to win even overshadowing diabolical Russell. Poor Russell he just can't get no satisfaction. What is really disappointing are the Heroes, they can't win for nothing or at least solve puzzles. Don't know why Rupert has it in for Stephanie when it should have been Rupert who went home, sore toe and all. At least Stephanie has strength even if she's a pushy wench with skinny eyebrows. The weakest links on the Heroes tribe is Cirie and Amanda. My question is are those two going to slid by again and get all the way to finals without doing much of anything? James better keep his brawny big mouth shut because he is stirring up the Heroes tranquility and will surely be the next one to go and that would be a big mistake being one of the strongest one on the tribe and right now they need every advantage they can get.-Single D
How can you sympathize with this idiot? His whole fainting spell was one of the worst "acting" jobs I think I've ever seen on any reality show. I hope that he gets booted off the first time his tribe has to go to tribal council. It would be nice if the people at CBS and Survivor could come up with something new instead of continually bringing back these has-beens and wannabes. I do agree that Cirie is one of the weakest players on the Hero's tribe and she needs to go soon. Hopefully this will be here final appearance on Survivor, otherwise I may have to reconsider whether this show is worth watching anymore.
Either way, acting or not, is there anyone on the villian tribe worthy of any salt?
Lol, nice :)
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