I missed the first ten minutes of Amazing Race last night because I was yelling at my daughter for going over her text limit, until I realized it's Sunday night, something has to be on, no time for discipline, other things are more important! Oh yeah, so I came in when the cowboys somehow got way ahead of the pack. How did Chip and Dale (no no after you) get ahead of everyone? I bet those two have never been outside the farm and are still virgins, giddy-up! I keep waiting for Team Big Brother to mess up and surely thought when they missed their bus that they were going down! The challenges this episode were really lame, dress a llama and gather ingredients to make a German cake. Who knew there were so many Germans in Chile? Of course Granny comes out with a piece of cake on a plate after getting hit in the head by the cow, she's a trooper! And why does CBS blur out the cow taking a dump? I thought that was Hi-lar-ious! Every time someone came to milk them, they had to poop, must be the pumping of the teat that gets them going. Doesn't Chile look awesome, put on bucket list, although it looked very chilly, so why would any team pick the flying condor challenge which would mean a dip in a very chilly lake? And no Jeff, that flimsy piece of fabric will not make you airborne enough to fly, dud! I think Jordan is rubbing off on you. Speaking of dumb, team detective couldn't find a dead body if their life depended on it. They should be going home soon, don't they have to get back to their dog napping case?
Well, when team giddy-up won first and Phil said that they won a sailboat, I think they were hoping to win a tractor or something. Enjoy boys, your days are numbered. -Single D
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