Missed the first 20 minutes of last nights episode, so totally forgot that it was on until my husband came out of his man cave and said, don't you watch something tonight? I'm like I don't think so as I'm surfing the channels, wait Survivor's on! At work they said something about chickens happened in the first twenty minutes so I'm like I didn't miss much, but after reading the recaps on CBS, looks like I did miss a lot of plotting and back stabbing, the best part. Came in when TJ was telling Cirie that someone said that she couldn't be trusted and her going around asking who would say that. Come on, can anyone be trusted? The Heroes went into the mud bath challenge full throttle with a killer desire to win and they showed them there villains they could finally get their dirt together. I had to laugh when Jeff told them they could change their clothes, what from less dirty to more dirty? When Rupert went up against Coach, I thought for sure the dragon slayer (is he still that?) would push lumbering Rupert in the mud, but Coach laid hands on Rupert which I think threw his game off and Rupert was able to land him in the mud. Again I thought Boston Rob would punk Colby in the mud first, but Colby finally showed some testosterone and pitched him first. I didn't get the fight before the fight between James and Randy. Didn't get the exchange of words, but James easily threw Randy in the mud pit and threw his bag (was that on purpose?) which hit Randy in the head. That James has a real temper. Hey is his skin peeling from a sunburn? Or is that some form of vitaliago that plague Michael Jackson, except James's green? Heroes win the challenge/reward in a clean sweep. Once back at camp, they decide that it's between Randy and Parvoti and in the end, Randy, sour old man, gets sent home. Can you believe the editing that goes on, as it looks like it's totally split between the votes, with Coach saying that he would never write Randy's name down, but does. I'm not getting the reason they voted Randy out, that was a stupid move. Randy has no alliances, no strategy, no one likes him and is a weak player, he's about as harmless as a mosquito, and just as annoying as one. Wouldn't they want to get rid of the threats first, like Coach, Boston Rob, Parvoti. Bad bad move, shows how stupid that tribe is.-Single D
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