Yep, that's three hours I'll never get back and I really wasn't that interested in who he picked, naughty or nice. Of course Tenley made a great impression on Jake's parents and two brothers and their wives. She's the perfect stepford wife what's not to like? Tenley had everyone gushing over her, even stiff upper lipped dad. Gee, does he ever crack a smile? Vienna on the other hand, started out with her foot in the mouth disease and said all the wrong things, yep, all the girls hated me, she whines! Because I'm so brutally honest, no it's because you're so brutally stupid! Vienna did manage to win them over somewhat, hey this is tv, what are the parents supposed to say?
Jake kept saying that he loves Tenley like he was trying to convince himself. When they were on the boat and he tells Tenley that he's not feeling the heat in their relationship, well coming off the date with Vienna, where they rubbed hot mud over each other, now that's heat. It's no wonder he's not feeling it. I so felt bad for Tenley, I'm sure she knew right there and then that he wasn't going to pick her. Come on, it came down to pixie fairy Tenley (doesn't she look like she should be sprinkling fairy dust somewhere), or hot chick Vienna. What would any guy pick? When he was kissing Tenley, it looked like he was kissing a dead fish. I'm sure he was thinking I could love Tenley without all that hot sex, or have hot sex and learn to love Vienna. He chose the latter of course. In support of Vienna, life does look like more fun with her, but once the kids come, I can see a messy house, a litter full of kids, dirty laundry everywhere and Vienna's hips spreading and in bad need of a dye job and Jake and her having wild sex on the washing machine. Tenley would have the perfect house, the perfect kids and the perfect figure (with all that dancing), but unfortunately it would be like the majority of other households, not tonight honey, I'm too tired!
I thought the After the Rose show was totally lame and corny! I don't think I'm going to be able to listen to "On the Wings of Love" without cringing and bring up images of Vienna and Jake dancing and smooching to take up 10 minutes of dead air time. And come on, sending them back to St. Lucia, come on, give them a honeymoon trip to Venice or something, weren't they in St. Lucia enough?
As for Jake joining Dancing with the Stars, love it! This I've got to see! That was a good move on DWTS. As for Ali being the next Bachelorette, I'm so over that girl! Why bring back someone whose already washed up on TV? She's too self-involved to ever let any guy dominate her life, what is he going to give up living where he is to join her in San Francisco?
Can't the bachelor find someone new? I liked it when they had that wine heir and that British dude. -Single D
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