Now this is the Survivor I know and love! Finally some blindsiding! But first.... a brokeback moment between Coach and Tyson. Coach was so torn up by Sandra cutting him down at tribal that Coach went back to camp in tears. How could she say that he whines to Tyson. I'm noble, not ignoble, I do grand stuff (right! only in his eyes). Tyson in his best Dr. Phil mode told Coach, that if he wants to be liked, then he needs to stop with all the grandiose storytelling, the wearing of feathers (he does?) and all that crazy tai-chi stuff on the beach because it's just makes him look like an idiot. Yes it does. Wow, Tyson could give Dr. Phil a run for his money! Coach wiping away tears as Tyson gives him an embrace. Ah a touching survivor brokeback moment! Afterward, you'd think Coach would redeem himself, naw, he says he gonna be just like he is, a Dragon Slayer, because he can't change, he'd rather leave the game. Empty threats. Meanwhile, the plot thickens as two idol clues are revealed to everyone on both camps. I loved it how King Rob tells his henchman, Sandra to spy on the court jester, Russell (Idol magnet) to see if he's trying to find the idol, which he does, no surprise there, and which Sandra good solider that she is, reports back to King Rob that he has it. Russell is not too sly this time around, it's like everyone already knows his game.
Meanwhile, at the heroes camp everyone is trying to play nice in finding the idol, when Tom finds it and tries to slyly hide it but not before Amanda tells everyone.
Heroes lose the immunity challenge again, wimps! I'm sick of them! There's scrambling for who should leave, with Tom and Colby being on the outs, looks like one of them would end up voted out, but it was JT's brave vote switching that really changed the game. Are the heroes camp that stupid that they would want to vote out all the strong players? Come on, Tom or Colby? At least JT came to his senses, although during tribal he look scared as SH!! Somewhere between Jeff saying, once the votes are read and the actual reading , someone arranges the votes in exact cliffhanger order, with the first three votes nulled by Tom playing his idol and then the next three for Cirie. The look on Cirie's face, priceless! The look on Amanda's face even better. What's Amanda gonna do without her brains? Well, glad to see Cirie go, don't exactly know what she was doing there in the first place.-Single D
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