Well it's about time. Big Brother needed to be put out of their misery. And were they even trying to race? Everything with them was like in slo-mo. They didn't want to win, they just wanted a free trip, see the countryside and have a few laughs. At least this episode had some interesting challenges and a confusing road block twist, what there are two Tattinger's? Pierry or Reims, with half the teams going to Reims. Wrong! Who could even race this leg, with such beautiful countryside to see and all that champagne? So was Jeff the only person who got to taste the champagne after he saber corked it? I've always wanted to do that, drink it, no really, saber cork it.
Dad Steve so wanted to drink that champagne, he was practically drooling. And once again, I must have been looking elsewhere, because next thing I know, Dad Steve is duct taping the front end of the Mercedes they are driving. What, did he run over a magnum of champagne? Again the models prove themselves the dumbest team ever, with completely missing picking up the clue, by passing the challenge and trying to land themselves on the mat only to realize, whoops, we didn't do the challenge! Uh dud, we were just following the other team. I hope they stay on, because where would all the laughs come from? All the models do is bicker and get on each other's last nerve. I about fell off the couch when they built the towering champagne glass pyramid only to have it come crashing down when Brent started pouring the champagne. Geez, Caite said slowly! Once again the look on their faces, priceless! I wished I had one of those dvr thingys where I could have replayed that over and over. LMAO!
And while the cowboys start off on the wrong foot by going to the wrong town and then to the wrong Tattinger, they did redeem themselves by finding their bunch of grapes rather quickly. I think it might come down with the Detectives, who are finally using some of their brawn to pull ahead and the cowboys (let's hope their country bumpkin doesn't take over). You could so tell that team Big Brother was out of the race because their tower of glasses challenge was so glossed over. Hey that could have been so funny, another glass crash, but it cut straight to the vineyards with them to trying to find their grapes of wrath in the dark, and then to Phil telling them they've been eliminated, much to their lazy-ass relief.-Single D
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