There's only room for one king in the camp so it becomes a showdown between Russell and Rob. Rob tells Russell that he's playing with the big guys now, which doesn't sit well for the little guy. He don't know who he's messing with and with that Russell smiles that evil grin. Boston Rob has gone from the guy you love to hate, to the guy you love and now he's back to the guy you love to hate again.
The heroes still can't win a damn challenge, this time around being reward and immunity for each side. When Candace won for the heroes, I knew she wouldn't have a chance going against up Rob, who seems undefeatable in every challenge. He's a god, (ok I still like him a little for now). I thought JT would be so good at this challenge, but something is slowing him down. He's not as sharp this second time around, either that or he's just not as hungry ($$) this time around. One thing though, you have to give James snaps for not giving up. He managed to beat as he says, the fat guy and Colby, which in his book is reason enough to keep him. But is it?
Since Rob beats Candace at the showdown, the villains get to eat hot dogs and soda at the heroes tribal council, how cruel!
Once back at camp a defeated Colby throws in the towel and says just put me out of my misery and as James says to him, you're just an old guy in a superman suit. You're not my hero anymore, waaaaa! And so with that Colby takes on the sacrafical lamb role, but the camp is having second thoughts as to James physical ability. Amanda looked like she wanted to burst out balling right there. What? Is she and James having a showmance? I love you, no I love you more!
Back at the villains camp there is a lot of scrambling, as Russell is being called out for having the idol. Boston Rob tells the camp for three to vote Paravoti and for three to vote Russell, that way if he gives it to Paravoti then he will be voted out visa versa. Brilliant no? Tyson agrees, but then changes his mind, when the devil (Russell) whispers in his ear that he is voting for Paravoti and he should do the same, so Tyson changes his vote which ultimately became his demise or as he says "I was a victim of my own stupidity. It ended up being my demise. I'm still pretty awesome." Pretty stupid is what you are!
While the villains stuff their mouth with hot dogs, they get to watch the heroes devour one of their own in a very tame tribal sending the person who should have went home last week instead of Tom, James, who this season seems fiercely trying to win without that winning attitude. James, you need to go home and rest that knee and uh also, take a personality check. What happened to that mellow guy? -Single D
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