Once again one has to ask the question, why and how is Russell still there? He's like a cat, just when you think he's going to fall, he lands on his feet. A master manipulator, he seals a deal with Colby and Rupert to forge a threesome with the guys, now that Jerri insulted his intelligence by letting all the girls go on the reward challenge. How could she, he fumes! And with that he solicites Colby and Rupert's alliance. Come on guys, are you not ready for a double cross? Rupert is like a big lumbering bear stumbling upon a pot of honey, he just doesn't know that there are bees attached to that pot of honey by the name of Russell. After Parvati wins immunity, again, Rupert is on the chopping block. How is it that he doesn't know this? When Sandra comes to him and tells him she wants Russell gone, Rupert goes running to Russell and tatty tales on her. Ok that seals it. If Rupert couldn't see the bigger picture and whose really running the game then he deserved to go home. Why didn't Rupert and Colby try to get something going against Russell? I don't care how endearing he is! They could have gotten Sandra on their side and possibly sway the other girls since Sandra had the immunity idol. They once again mess up their chance to get Russell voted out, so now, hey, I want him to win the million. If people are so stupid that they aren't trying to get the biggest, baddest, meanest, threatening player off the island, then let's give the man a million dollars. Russell's only threat would be that if he's stupid enough again to take another woman to the end with him, namely, Parvati. Does he not remember what happended to him when he took Natalie, who did absolutely nothing but glue herself to the strongest player, and ended up winning with Russell ending up feeling like he was robbed (which he was). So if he takes Parvati, good chance she just might win again!-Single D
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