Were you satisfied? I guess there was some justice last night. We knew Colby was a goner when he couldn't even win the one challenge that would save his Survivor life. He was a total disappointment this whole season. He had no game, no intrigue, no drama, so therefore, I wasn't sad to see him go. If he can't hold on to some plates to save his life, then he needed to go. He didn't even try to lobby to get Parvati off, which is what he should have done. He possibly could have talked Russell, Sandra and Jerri into it, but instead he does the lame sacrificial lamb stunt, go ahead and vote my @ss off, do what you have to, but then does a reverse to Russell and says maybe we should get Par off. Too little too late! What kind of game is that? He should have stirred so much sh-- up and put the fear in Russell, because we all know what a little threat can do to Russell's game but at this point who cares.
It always amazes me when they do that walk of remembrance, because I need a refresher course on who played the game, which seems like a 100 days ago. How quickly we forget. During the last challenge, I wasn't understanding why Jerri didn't reach up and grab the immunity necklace, wasn't she the first one to the pole? I still don't understand Russell's thinking on keeping Parvati over Jerri. He never learned his lesson from the first time, but then again, would it matter? I was trying to think of who he could go up against and possibly win. Maybe the only other person, Tyson or Coach? Coach's arrogance puts people off and Tyson comes off as just too plain stupid.
When Jeff asked Russell if he would play the game different knowing how much people hate him, Russell defended his game playing. He's so thick headed. I don't think he could play Mr. Nice if his life depended on it. His only redemption came in the form of America giving him the $100,000 as America's favorite player. Which he promptly did a I told you so to Jeff. He claimed he would have won if America voted which Jeff said that's another show, huh ya, like America Idol?
My vote for the most stupidest move ever on Survivor was award to JT and rightfully so. JT now go home a find a spot for that trophy, because you lose.
So in the end, Russell loses again, waa I was robbed, again! Sandra, the bank teller, takes home another million, which is beyond me. How she managed once again, not to be on any one's target, how she flew below the radar and not win any challenges, I guess deserves the million for a second time. She played exactly the same way from the first time and just like the first time, I'm thinking how and what did she do? Sure Parvati and Russell played hard, but how could you choose? Parvati is the female counterpart of Russell. Both are cunning, strategic players. Both were strong competitors and both deserved to win, so in the end, give it to Sandra and her big loud Puerto Rican mouth. -Single D
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