Last night's episode was overshadowed by the tantalizing preview of the smack down between Jake and Vienna. I so thought it would just be another he said, she said and it was, but it was so much better than I had anticipated. I was howling and laughing my head off. Did you notice how they were sitting on the loveseat, both with crossed legs and crossed arms. Can you say stand-off? Jake was so trying to be above it all, until she called him what a "fame-whore" within the first two minutes of the interview. I th
ink Vienna might have just added to the Merriam Webster's vernacular of current hip sayings with the induction of "fame-whore", and underneath those words will be as contributed by Vienna what's her name. Speaking of fame-whore, she that spewed do-eth. She's as much of a fame-whore as he is. She transplanted herself in record time to LA from Florida so she see and be seen on "Dancing with the Stars". He complained she didn't have a job, she complained that he doesn't work, to which he replied I'm a pilot, to which she replied but you haven't worked in a year, to which he replied I just flew lasted weekend. She complained he wasn't affectionate, to which he complained, how can you be affectionate to someone who is constantly undermining you and won't shut the hell up (I added that). Well she wouldn't, which was probably the biggest reason Jake was so done with her. Every time he tried to defend himself, she'd cut him off. The whole conversation was Vienna talking, with Jake trying to get a word in edge-wise. He'd end up saying, there she goes again, and again, and again until he finally said, "Please shut up!" (well at least he said please!). And to that she stormed off the set, never to come back again or be seen again, ya right!
In the beginning I was kinda on Vienna's side because I so lost my love affair with Jake after picking her. He came off in the end like a whining mama's boy, so he deserved what he got. But after Vienna could not stopping yakking and with Jake trying to sit smugly trying to let her dig herself deeper, it became a toss up on who was worst. My vote, they both deserve each. All in all a good night of TV hiliarity.

Meanwhile on the Bachelorette, Ali sends Ty home which I so knew he wasn't for her. He's divorced, a hick and really really old fashioned. I don't care how much he said he had changed, you can take the boy out of hickville, but can you take the hick out of the boy?
I didn't think Ali would send Chris home, she was after all wearing the bracelet he had made for her. What did he call it a dentist bracelet? Hey those might be the next big thing. My vote is either for Roberto or Chris. And oh, didn't Portugal look amazing, put on bucket list!-Single D
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