Is anyone watching Big Brother? Ok, I'm so already into it. I don't want Big B00bs to go home, yeah I know, but hey, she's from Las Vegas, so I gotta root for her, even if she's a dumber than dumb wannabe nerd head. And as for Brendon saying he's like has triple digit IQ, he's doesn't have the smarts to stay away from a showmance, guess he was too mesmerized by the triple D's or is the triple E's. Don't they know anyone in a showmance has the biggest target on their backs? During the veto challenge I so thought he was going to misspell the word, because anyone bragging they have brains usually means they are missing one.
Once again, every one is obviously to the pack of wolves, what do they call themselves, as I ask my daughter....the Brigade or as Lance says, I don't even know what a Brigade is. Well dude! I think Jersey is funny, nick naming his Jersey self as meow meow. Hey I want that name! The History of the Jersey Empire as written by Meow Meow. My vote for the Saboteur is Regan, he's just wimpy enough to agree to something like that. What are they going to do once the Saboteur is revealed?
Hope Annie goes home, she does nothing for me. Next on my hit list, the girl with the curly hair, where has she been for two episodes? I don't even know her name and just as well, because once you name them, they become like pets and you can't get rid of them. The sheriff is just a loser. Anyone that doesn't even try to pull themselves through thick honey, well girl, turn in your gun, because I wouldn't want you protect me, you're slow as molasses.
-Annie is the first evicted houseguest AND IS THE SABOTEUR. So my guess for Ragan was wrong. Ok, so he's just a wimp!
-Single D
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