Schmuck, loser, pond scum, scum of scum, egoist, selfish fish, liar, moron, vomiticus, there I've vented!
Let's see, the guys have been on the show for 6 to 8 weeks, they have been all over the world for free and get to compete for the affections of the Bachelorette. You would think after all that time, a guy would know if he's completely over this last romance. I knew there was something suspicious about Frank. He seemed off, either he was harboring serial killer tendencies (like I said in one post about him), bi-polar, or gasp gay! But we was neither, come on, I would have preferred him to be gay, at least we could have been good friends and he could have decorated my bedroom. But no, he's still mooning over his last girlfriend. How low, how despicable! It wasn't enough that he was feeling hesitant about his feelings for Ali, but, when he had the audacity to actually say her name on TV, well, that was confirmation that he wasn't over her. Nicole. And of course how could the producers not opt for him to make a last minute visit to her, just in case he was still in love with her. How perfect was that? Did the producers purposely find some schmuck that was still mooning over a past girlfriend? How could they! It wasn't enough that they had Justin, X-rated wrestler after fame and fortune, and purely there for economical reasons, but now they found a schmuck that still has feelings for his ex. What I'm wondering, is how long have they been broken up and who did the break-off? Seems like the way "Nicole" was talking Frank did the break-up as Nicole whispers that her life wasn't the same without him. Nicole, one word RUN! Any guy that breaks up with a girl and goes on a reality show to get over his past love is a loser and a user. That's what Frank is, a user, loser, selfish, a p-----, a d----, a mf, oh, did I already do that?
What I'm not getting is that Ali must have known or seen clues that something was off. She even said that he was hot and then cold, yes and then no, (oh don't get me humming that Katy Perry song!). So she either refused to see it or thought she could change is ways. Just like a woman, trying to go after the bad boys. Why do we do that? Well, the guy is a jerk. She should have kept Kirk like I wanted her to do last episode, even if Kirk's dad was a little scary. I hope Frank-enstein lives a long a happy life with "Nicole". And Ali, you have two great guys, we knew those two would be the last ones standing. Now it's a really hard decision to chose between two good guys, but I'm thinking she's going to chose Roberto, they have hot chemistry. Chris is a nice guy and probably better husband material, but he needs to stop pecking at her like a chicken, he obviously isn't a hot kisser. Yuck!-Single D
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