We knew Rachel was going home even after Brendan pulled his copycat Andrew speech of cutting everyone down and then saying but please Brittany use the veto on me. Even Rachel had to pick up her chin off the floor. Brendan is quickly showing that he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer and all that bawling about Rachel. I'm your prince, wa wa wah! I really didn't have much hope of Brendan winning HOH, but he got off to a good start, but then got all tangled up in his rope, so I was like, Lane is going to win it. Lane's ok in my hillbilly book. Somewhere deliverance banjos are playing whenever Lane is around. But I wanted Brendan to win, after all, he suffered so much last week so the guy deserved a break and I wanted to see if he would start playing smart. Not! When Regan came to him with the proposal that they should align, he didn't go for it, yet he trusted Brittany? Never trust woman! They'll turn on you on a dime! Instead, I guess Brendan was playing by stupidity by putting up Lane (what?) and Regan, the two most innocuous people in the house! Stupid, stupid, stupid! What is he thinking. I so wanted him to put up Matt so Matt would be forced into playing that diamond veto and show the rest of his clan that he is not playing on the up and up. My only hope is that one of them wins POV and he will have to put up someone else, either Brittany or Matt? Brendan is a real disappointment so if he leaves, it will be deserved because he is playing all wrong. I'm beginning to like meow meow, he's funny and when he cuts people down, it's in a seriously funny way. Well, can't wait for the POV and if no one wins, then I hope Lane goes home, that way at least some of the brigade alliance will be cut down in size, but I'm thinking Rachel would be scratching her head and saying why Brendan? -Single D
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