It was a hard decision, two good guys, one Latin hunk, one mom's apple pie. Both sound choices. But it was obvious during that episode whom she had fallen for and let's face it ladies, weren't we so over the last bachelor, Jake, who turned out not to be the manly man we all thought he was. Instead he was just marshmellow fluff, poofy like a cotton ball, no substance, no meat. Women want a Man, capital M. We want a he-man, we want someone strong, self confident, funny. Our protector and our romancer. We want someone who knows how to ride a motor scooter and not fall off, we want someone who goes fast on a jet ski but yet is gentle and sexy at the same time. We want Roberto! Snaps for Ali for making the decision to let Chris go the day before and not let him suffer the humiliation of getting the last minute rejection. It was tender and honest, but I would have liked for her to say- Chris you're a wonderful man and will someday find that special someone, but no it was all about her and how hard it was. Chris was a gentleman all the way, full of grace and compassion. And what about that rainbow, it really was like his mother watching over him. It was truly a perfect ending for him, even if he didn't get the girl. Hey Chris, if you can't find that perfect girl, just give me a call, if you like cougar that is!
The After the Final Rose show, Frank was a no show, proving that he really is a turd. Good riddance! Ali and Roberto still looked like they were in love and are moving to San Diego. Well, good for them I say. As I watched it with my daughter, I said during one of their mushy cuddly scenes, I give them 6 months, my daughter pipes up and says I give them two. Let's hope Ali and Roberto do find their fairy tale ending, because we all know the failure rate for finding love on reality.-Single D
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