No chance in hell did Vicki and Nick have a chance to catch up with the other teams since they incurred a 6 hour, count em, 6 hour penalty for not completing the dumb bird delivery in China. Nick you brought it upon yourselves, didn't your mother ever tell you what Benry's (from Survivor) mother told him that "winners never quit and quitter never win"? Well ya quit and now you have to suffer the fate of never catching up and not getting a chance to win the million. Vicki should be pissed and have at least one or two tattoos removed in protest, at least she didn't quit. I'm sure if Vicki would have quit, Nick would never have let her live it down.
All teams find out that they are heading for Seoul Korea and to the border of North Korea. Hey don't the producers know that if you step one pinky toe on the North side you can get thrown in the North Korean prison with no chance of being released?
Once there they all get to go white water rafting which looked totally awesome. Put on bucket list, white water rafting (but not in Seoul). Everyone looked like they were having a blast and I was just waiting for one of their boats to capsize, which none did, shucks! Oh and lets stop right here, Brook gets the all time award for perkiness. She has never once lost her perkiness. God that girl is exhausting. Go figure that her best friend is Claire, whose perkiness quotient is nil, except when that Korean taxi driver was hitting on her. Ah, I'm engaged!
During the speed skating challenge, once again I have to say it, does Nat and Kat do anything in fast motion? It really is amazing that they are still in it. They looked like toddlers on the ice, whee, whee! It's called speed skating girls!
Final three, Nat and Kat, Thomas and Jill, and Brooke and Claire. Should be a interesting finale, just hope Thomas and Jill don't win, I am so over Thomas's macho-ness! And oh, in my next life, I want to come back as Phil, does he not have the most cushy job ever!-Single D
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