Here's what you missed. NaOnka and Purple Kelly are too chicken to stay because of the rain, the cold and you name it, eliminate themselves from the game. Benry makes a funny by naming the last chicken, Kelly-Nay after the two departed chicken survivors. Jane weeps because the boys eat Kelly-Nay while she and the others were on reward feeding their own faces with real food. Chase makes a deal with Sash that he will not eliminate him, in fact stating the he would take him on reward if he wins along with Holly since she martyred herself last time. After winning the reward, Chase has a moment of forgetfulness and takes Holly and Jane instead of Sash to the reward, much to Sash's dismay. Sash's boobs look like prune pancakes while Chase still remains buff and brawny, must have a stash of food somewhere and some dumbells. Speaking of dumbell, Chase is worried that his choice of Jane over Sash for the reward will make Sash side with the boys. But everything works out when Sash wins the immunity and scrambling begins in earnest on who will go up for the chopping block. Everyone tells Benry it will be Fabio, Fabio thinks it's Holly and everyone votes Benry much to his surprise out. And that's what you missed on Survivor and oh yeah, Dan is still there, mute, lame and taking up space. -Single D
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