As I was driving to work this morning listening to "Broads" on XM, I caught the tail end of their spot saying how ABC did not do their research on this guy and with 6 weeks left for this scandal to come out. Wonder what the girl he chosed is going to do now that he has been exposed. What a con artist! I'm like what, who is it? It had to be the bachelor, who else? They said the story is true even though it was first reported in the Star (not the most reliable source), but when People picked up the story, it had to be true. I ran into work, told the other Donna that Bachelor Brad has a criminal past. We quickly looked it up online and sure enough, mug shot and all. What? Was he a phonie bolonie? I don't get it, don't they do background checks? Wonder if they sign up some sex perv? According to the news, Bachelor Brad was busted in 1993 for forging a drivers license in the state of Texas and his real name is Stephen Bradley Pickelsimer. Ok, 1993? Forging a driver's license? No really? Come on, he was probably trying to get into some bar, let's see. Let's do the math, he's 38 now so in 1993, 18 years ago he was 20. Maybe the real drinking age is 21 in Texas and he was trying to get into a bar. That's forgivable. We've all done that. As for the name, don't really blame him there, who wants to get stuck with a name like PICKELSIMER. PICKLE really? He was also busted for public drunkeness and passing a bad check. In short, he forged his driver's license, so he could get drunk and then had to pay his tab with a non sufficient funds check. What's wrong with that? I'm not one to pass judgement on the poor guy. We all have a little larceny in us and we were all young once. Hopefully his criminal past will stay in the past. As for the one he chose, if it was Emily, she probably won't whether this scandal, she's way too delicate, but if he picks Jackie, she'll stand by her man, in her book he's a catch. By the way, that mug shot is from 2009. Apparently Texas makes their criminal update their mug shots, nice!-Single D
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