Here's what you missed. Brad chooses Ashley S. to go on the single date to where else, Capitol Records, you know that famous building in L.A. shaped like a tower of records, where they have a recording session to sing, badly I might add, 'Kissed by a Rose'. Who picked that song? That has got to be one of the hardest songs to sing and only one person can sing that song of course, Seal! I'm liking Ashley, perky, cute and totally adorable so of course he has to give her a rose after her telling him that Kissed by a Rose was her and her dad's (dead dad I might add) favorite song, gee go figure (I'm sure that was planned by the producers).
The group date takes everyone where else, to a studio where they are making an action movie. Gee, who plans these dates? One word, corny! Enough with the tapings already, can't they come up with something more inventive? Not much happening there, except Michelle goes all stalkerish on the gang and steals Brad away every time he's with someone else. He just got rid of the stalker waitress Melissa and now, Michelle is turning into the next scary stalker. She so totally reminds me of the wicked queen in Snow White, who is the fairest of them all? Ah, not you Michelle.
Question? Brad says he's totally cool with her pulling at him all the time. Really Brad? She just screams controlling jealous wife.
The other single date is with the lovely Emily and the big question of the evening is will she tell Brad about her tragic love? When she tells the house her story, Miss Fang Madison has a meltdown which we will come to later. Meanwhile back to the date, Brad takes Emily to a winery, which always racks up points with me as being so totally romantic. Emily tries to side step Brad's personal questions by asking him the same question. Finally she admits after many gulps of wine, there's an elephant in the room, ya think? and spills all which makes Brad feel even more fonder towards her. Hummm, I think he's falling for her, she's so sweet and kind and beautiful. What more could a guy want, and if he doesn't end up with her, well then he deserves to be alone 4 ever!
During the cocktail party, Madison is all distraught and I think it was because she started off in the house as such a fool, with those stupid vampire teeth and all, what are you 13? After she heard every one's tragic story and how they want so much to be the one, she's like, I'm a fool, I came just to have some fun, but these girls are really serious which makes me look like an idiot. And that is why I think she left. She's really immature but made the smart decision to leave. She's got a lot of growing up to do and what was she wearing? Somewhere there's a curtain rod missing it's drapery panel. Go home little fang girl, ditch the vampire teeth, it's not Halloween for gawd sake!-Single D
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