A question that became the undoing of the cowboys. Not their shining moment, in fact just another misstep in their utterly dismal race. Not sure why all the other teams view them as a threat, they've missed planes, taken the wrong route, and come in at the bottom of the pack, so how are they a threat? Misguided teams need to see that Zev and Justin are the real threats here, don't let that veil of autism fool you. They are smart and strong, if not a little goofy in the process. Sure let's eat fondue, did they not get the hint when they opted for the schnitzel Austria, sure let's eat some more food! Puke.
Definitely did not like the Globetrotters U-turning the cowboys. Obviously the cowboys were in last place and then to add salt to the wound, lets make them do another challenge. Shame on you Globetrotters, now I hope you end up in last place. Seems like the only team left with any good will is perky Mallory and Gary. Hope they end up winning, even if her constant perkiness bugs me.
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