Phillip is delighted with his sassy undercover specialist (?) self since he had a premonition that came to him in a dream. His great great grandfather told him where his shorts be at. Guess there's not much to do in the afterlife. It's under a rock he saidth to Phillip, go seek and ye shall find. And lo and behold, nary under the second rock, there he discovered the truth. His shorts. Well thank heaven for that, now Phillip can cover up those pink BVDs! At the Redemption challenge, Phillip is like a seven year old, pointing to his pants to Julie. Julie, who looks like she's spent one too many millions of years in the sun goes home to the jury but not before she says weepingly that she came on because her house is in foreclosure. Ok, I take that last line back. I felt bad. Rob is like aw shucks, Matt still lives another day, thanks to his God. Maybe there is something to all that God stuff?
The immunity challenge is the log roll and Grant wins easily and gets to eat his chocolate cake too. Back at camp, Rob is like maybe they should get rid of Andrea since she was sympathizing with Matt, which is like talk of treason against Zapatera. Before they leave the challenge, Jeff gives the tribe a mystery package to bring to tribal. Rob says maybe it's for a double elimination. Boy that guy really knows this game. At tribal things work according to plan, getting rid of furry hick boy and then you guessed it another elimination, the memorization game, which Rob smugly wins and they vote out Steve, which I'm glad they chose him, because why upset the boat, let Andrea survive another round at least if she goes next she'll have no one to blame. Should be a free for all at camp with only the Zapatera tribe left to eat each other.
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