I counted how many times Ashley said Bentley during last night's episode, at least 12 times. That's twice every ten minutes. Come on Ashley, mooning over someone doesn't look good on you, especially when smiling is her best asset. She's not a great beauty, but she does look cute when she's upbeat and smiling. Since Bentley has left she has been reserved and sour. She's so insecure that when she heard from Will (how did he become the trusted one?) told her that Ben C. was already planning to do online dating, she went ballistic and fired him on the spot, you're fired (oh that's Celebrity Apprentice). Well she said no rose for you so off with you NOW! Leaving him little chance of defending himself or explaining (probably an innocent remark told in jest), but leave it to that weasel Will and he's become the biggest weasel since that whole roast fiasco. Will smugly smiling that his plan worked and he outed the other guy on the two will go, one will stay date. Little did he know, when he said, he likes being a kid, that sealed his fate with Ashley, which she probably had her mind made up already anyway that he wasn't getting the rose after all, so bye bye. What woman wants a kid anyway? Hear that men, we don't want to mother kids, we want REAL men! Smart men, funny men, successful men, not boys. Will definitely has a lot of growing up to do, once in the limo, he said he was going back into his dark place since he's such a loser. Ya think, two words Will, Grow Up!
I was hoping she would give Ames the rose, since he took a concussion for her during all that Thai boxing stuff. Hey a person could die from a blow to the head, remember Natasha Richardson? Even when he came back to the group he was still his funny gentlemanly self. I liked that. He ranked high on the brownie scale. Not much of a fighter, more of a poet, how romantic. Smart and funny, so why is she still whining over Bentley, so much so, she tells Chris she needs closure with him, so what are they going to do, but bring him back for a free trip to Hong Kong. I hope the guys stage a protest and do a group walk out that would serve her right. And hey, hottie, JP, you can call me anytime. Bentley has nothing over you!
Chaing Mai, Thailand, put on bucket list!
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