I don't think I need to say anything more, see my previous post, that the final four were going to be JP, Constantine, Ben and Ames. Out of the four, I bet it will be between JP and Ben. I don't see Ashley having that great of a connection with Ames or Constantine. JP and Ben are totally invested in her. Go Ashley, let's hope she's over that whole Bentley thing because she has really great guys. Didn't you love Taiwan. Been to Hong Kong and Macau but missed Taiwan. I will have to make it a point to visit there next time. Loved the outtake of the dog peeing on Ashley's and Constantine's love lantern, way too funny. I want to go there and release a lantern in the sky like that, that was awesome!
Next week it's the hometown dates. My how this season has flown by. Next thing you know we will be reading about Ashley and her pick in People Magazine. As for that whole Emily and Brad fiasco, come on, I'm so over Brad, it's time to move on, enough is enough after the first Bachelor season with him and then Vienna and now Emily, he deserves to be alone, the guy obviously has commitment issues. So long Womack, time for you to leave for good.
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