First of all, let me say that the Planters commercial they showed right before Amazing Race began, had me from the first peanut! After that commercial I was craving nuts! So much so, I scurried to my pantry only to find toffee coated cashews leftover from Christmas which did help to calm my snack attack-thank you very much Planters! Finally an episode where father Ron manages to control his temper and as he said make a journey of change-well, let's see how long that last. It is inspiring to see two teams with older people on it, so there is hope for us Donna! Nick has proved his mettle by carrying Gramps pack-go Nick-you're learning. I just hope Gramps doesn't keel over and have a heart a
ttack-he did look winded in this episode. Good for his age (69) but winded!
And what about all those flowers? I think my head would have been swooning trying to sniff out the real flower, like Jen said she was getting lightheaded. In the end, the race was between Jen and Nate and father Ron and Christina. I loved it when Jen accused Nate of pushing her in the cab and the camera did an instant replay-Jen you're loony! Nate should have given you a good swift kick! I so wanted father Ron and Christina to out run Jen and Nate, just so I could hear her scream and cry and blame Nate, but in the end-she conceded like a wet puppy. Thank goodness for TK and Rachel this was a non-elimination round. Four backpacks!-Single D

Osaka, Japan! I just knew Christina would know Japanese! At least father Ron kept his put downs to a minimum this trip. The one time he did start to criticize her, Christina put him in his place fast. Good girl, you're learning. Like Single D said, we will see how long this "change" in father Ron lasts. TK needs to loosen up those dreadlocks, they must be cutting the flow of oxygen to his brain. Don't you know the difference between direct and non-stop?! At least ask how many stops you have to make. I thought sure TK & Rachel were going to get off the plane in New Delhi and stay there thinking it was Osaka. Jen seemed to be in an especially good mood when they left the pit stop (get a little somethin', somethin' last night?!). She was actually being nice to Nate.
As they all made their way through the streets of Osaka via taxi, Christina remarked how she would never drive there. Of course their first challenge was to drive a taxi with a couple going to the post office. Jen made the bright observation that all of the street signs were in Japanese. Jen, I'm sure if they knew you were coming they would have put up English signs just for you babe. After wondering how she looked in the taxi cap and gloves, Jen was pretty good at getting around. Without Nate to yell at, Jen can think! I just knew Nick would get lost after stating that he knew where he came from so that should give him a leg up on everyone, wrong! I agree with Christina, public transit is the way to go in Osaka! There was a tender moment in the station between father Ron and gramps. While they waited for their respective team mates, they shared a snack. Doesn't sound like much, I know, but I thought it was cute and showed very good sportsmanship. After completing the taxi challenge, Jen was telling Nate about it and found out he wasn't really listening and got all disgusted with him. I guess she just isn't happy unless she is fighting about something.
While on the way to the next challenge, father Ron & Christina get a taxi driver who starts some very labored breathing. Father Ron wonders aloud if the driver is going to croak. In the flower sniffing challenge, why did Jen put on her glasses? The rules stated, noses only! Meanwhile at the sense of touch challenge, Nick did OK in the robot soccer (you know those Japanese are better than that, they let them win). While showing gramps how to use the cell
phone to manipulate the robots, Nick says "stop!" and gramp's robot promptly falls down. He eventually gets his goal, after the Japanese player has his robot fall down about 20 times.
Just when it looked like Nate & Jen would finally come in first, they once again hit a snag. It may be in the editing but, it looked to me like none of the taxi drivers wanted to drive Jen. It must have been all of the screeching about how none of the drivers knows where anything is. Then father Ron & Christina come up and get the first taxi they come to. I was just happy that father Ron & Christina came in first. Jen didn't throw a fit like I thought. Wait until tomorrow when she has had a rest, I'm sure she will come out fighting and yelling at Nate! 

Double D

I thought for sure TK and Rachel had the better flight since it appeared that it left earlier than the other flight-only did we later learn that it had two stops-father Ron said it best to Christina when she was booking the tickets, it's not if the flight is direct (we know it's going there) but if it's non-stop-ah there's the rub! That proved to be TK and Rachel's undoing. They were completely absent from this episode with changing planes and all. I thought maybe they decided to skip the rest of the trip to braid their hair or tie dye tee shirts.
The taxi challenge was very funny although, I thought it would be challenging because the location was written in Japanese. We do learn that Christina went to some "high faluntin college"(Princeton) and yes Gramps she does speak Japanese, so they are one up on
everyone, until we realize that Christina may be highly educated but she doesn't know how to drive! Good Grief!

Jen was only concerned about how she looked in her taxi cap and managed to drive with relatively little hassle, shucks! I had to laugh at Nick's good nature, asking his passengers if they were hot "we gotta keep the customers happy" and his infamous quote "it's easier to land a plane than drive in Osaka", but he did prove to be techno savvy with those mini soccer robots- can those robots clean my toilets?

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