Right off the bat, Bette Sue of the pink team decided to eat Treadmill and did a face first on the ru
bber. I thought for sure she's hurt, I mean 200+ pounds taking a header on a piece of gym equipment, tell me whose going to win? But she's a trooper and kept on jogging.

That Hall of Truth showing video's of each contestant's consumption of
food in a year, totaling calories, fat, sugar etc etc was like a nightmarish Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory. The totals were astounding, who knew one could consume so much, it was scary!

But back at in the exerc
ise room, there was alot of whining from Neill, crying that he can't do it any more-goodness-he shoulda won the Oscar for Best Whining During an Exercise Session. Scarlett, you will live to see another day. Jillian, the exercise guru is one tough cookie. You go girl, these people need tough love, especially Neill as he definitely has issues with his weight and his ability to move forward or at least to get moving at all.

That giant seesaw challenge looked fun-but a 100 times? I think even for the conditioned person that might be tiring. Good going to the black team for winning and then having to pick three other teams to give the phone cards to. I'm glad they gave it to the ones that have family.
Maggie and Jen were whining that they wanted the phone cards and it wasn't fair that just because the others have family that they should pick them-oh wa, want some cheese with the whine? You wait until you have children and are apart from them for any lenght of time, it rips your heart out. So I did have a momentary minute of weakness when the calls to home were made and the couples got to speak with their kids. I just hate it when adults cry!
The food challenge allowed each contestant to walk through a room of food and whoever ate the most calories would win $5,000. I seriously didn't think anyone would fall for that, but of course the devil on the shoulder of Mallory (she just ate a handful of candies) Mark and Paul fell to temptation. Paul's excuse (I think he called it a plan) was that he was allowed to eat at least 900 calories more for the day, I think that's his excuse everyday, that's why he has a weight problem. I think Mark just wanted to eat and so he did, cake, sweets, rolls....In the end Mark won the money beating out Paul by just a few calories (912 to 931 something like that).
At the weigh-in it was the brown team, my initial favorite team that was in the bottom 2 and I can understand why the other teams eliminated them, because they are a strong united couple and their return home would not signal an end to their commitment to exercise and lose th
e weight, unlike Paul and Kelly, the divorced couple. Goodbye Mallory and Curtis-they did look good with their progress at home, keep it up! One more thing, do the guys have to remove their shirts during the weigh-in...those man boobs are just wrong!-Single D

This is the first time I have watched Biggest Loser. The whole concept just never appealed to me. A bunch of overweight people trying to lose weight, got it. The first thing I noticed was that they never showed them eating (except for the food challenge) so we have no idea what kind of diet or restrictions have been imposed. All they show is the contestants working out, is that all they do all day? No wonder Neill was complaining, although it was annoying. Come on Neill, like Jillian said, people pay thousands of dollars to come to this place and you are getting it for free!

That hall of truth thing was an eye opener to some of the teams. That started everyone crying again. I'm sorry, did you think you got that big by eating lettuce and carrot sticks?!
The food challenge was whoever ate the most calories wins $5000. Only three people ate anything and what they ate was JUNK! Hello, did anyone see the meat and baked potatoes?! Those have calories and it's protein without all the sugar. Again, I go back to why they are the way they are. I would have been all over the steak and potatoes!
Biggest Loser is one big cry fest, one lazy guy (Neill) who to everyone's amazement keeps losing weight, and watching these people work out all the time. I'm glad these people are trying to get healthy but it's just not my cup of tea. I do like Bette Sue's facial expressions! Good luck to all! Double D
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