When this episode's challenge involved pets, I thought Omarosa definitely will not tolerate any kind of animal around her, she's too self involved to give to animals and all that fur, fleas and slobber. It was completely surprising that Lennox is a cat lover, who knew? When Nely started off her meeting with stretches and quasi yoga meditation, Omarosa and Marilu, eyes
rolling, were not having any of it. As Omarosa said she's not into all that existentialism-oh kumbayawn! Smart move on the women's part to meet with the Pedigree official to assess what the client wants. I'm betting that Gene Simmons has never watched a previous apprentice (and in reality probably doesn't give a sh--! either), otherwise he would have known that the Donald would want the group to meet with their client before preceding. But NO! Gene definitely has his own way about how it should be done-his way or the highway. He was not going to waste any time meeting with some nobody of a big corporate dog food chain, no sir-oopsie! I thought right there and then the guys are toast! Typical guy thing, let's not ask for directions, let's just plow on. I loved it when Stephen Baldwin, batted his eyes and slyly asked the group who was going to direct the commercial-oh oh pick me, pick me! And what was that between Gene and Ivanka that led up to his curt dismissal of her and that crass gender remark that because of sisterhood she better not rat out the guys-she was pissed! Omarosa said it best in the boardroom that it was a personal attack on Ivanka's integrity-Omarosa point scored.

Throughout the filming of the women's commercial, Nadia Comaneci looked confused when she was told to get the crew some lunch-I'm thinking that the English translation of "what would you like for lunch" doesn't translate well in Romanian. Marilu again looked pained working with the "talent" (no-talent in my book). At least the commercial was a collaboration with the women, although Omarosa's most important comment during that was, do we have to use the slobbering Saint Bernard, she probably doesn't like slobber in any form. On the other side, it was more of a dictator state, with Gene and Baldwin calling the shots which almost created a mutiny on the bounty-guys will be guys.
And what's up with Nely, will someone give that girl a Valium or something, she's like a rabid pit bull. When the Pedigree rep saw both commercials, I knew instantly that he liked the guys better. I could just tell that the women's commercial was sloppy and not cohesive and once again, the women did not use their celebrity to sell the product-uh women-WAKE UP! Jeez. If you got it flaunt it!
I was glad the men won, it was a better commercial, Lennox was perfect with the bulldog (great choice-because a chihuahua would not have worked) and the voice over by Troy Atkins was like Gene said, the voice of God. Even the vipress, Omarosa let out a chuckle of approval in the boardroom.
In the end, Nadia is too timid, too polite to be able to swim in the shark tank and was sent packing, back to her gym in Oklahoma. Goodbye Nadia, we hardly knew you-Single D
I'm not surprised that Nely stepped up for this after all, it is right up her TV alley. But when she started all of the deep breathing, hand holding, chummy chummy stuff, her main chum, Omarosa was taking a time out. At least Marilu participated she didn't like it but hey, she's a team player. I too thought good for the gals to meet with the client, isn't that what you are supposed to do?
No surprise that Gene "I am God" Simmons would not waste his time meeting with anyone let alone someone he is essentially working for. Being rude to Ivanka won't win you any brownie points either Gene. In his defense, he did apologize to Ivanka in the boardroom, he even took off his sunglasses while he did it, nice touch ;)
Nely must of been coming up with a contingency plan in case they didn't win the challenge because it looked to me like she was setting up Nadia saying how she does everything she is told but not very well. What did Omarosa do this time except complain about the dog slobber? Come to think of it, I didn't notice Carol or Jennie doing much of anything either. Omarosa did have a dog with her while they made their presentation. She was carrying the dog like it was her handbag. Maybe she was getting some ideas. Run puppy, run!!

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