After Ryan made his nominations of the two strongest women in the house, we find the girls talking about how the house is divided by gender. Leave it to the guys to do something like this. Joshuah says that he can hang with the girls and the guys, so it's a win win for him. Hey doesn't anybody smell a rat? Matt has been so mean to Natalie that is she? .... no she couldn't...turn on Matt! Has she finally come to her senses? She tells the girls that she just as soon have him out of the house, so Joshuah hatches a
scheme to get rid of Matt. He tells the girls we'll backdoor him if I can get Ryan to put him up if someone uses the Veto. To ensure that Ryan will play along, they offer him immunity for two weeks. Before they are able to tell Ryan their little plan, Natalie marches herself into Matt's room and tells him what they are planning. Gee I guess her little hatefest for Matt didn't last long. Matt goes ballistic and runs into Ryan's room to tell him what they are hatching. What grade are we in? When Joshuah goes into Ryan's room, Ryan comes clean that Natalie already told Matt of their plans. Joshuah still wants to go through with it. Why in the world would the house trust Natalie in the first place. The girl obviously will do anything to get on the good side of her man.

The Veto competition involves shooting pool with an over sized cue. The loser gets a prize which they get to keep or trade. Sheila's prize was a motorcycle and she's like, what am I going to do with this? When Adam is eliminated he got the pool ball that had $10,000,and without hesitation trades it with Sheila for the bike. Sheila is totally surprised by this generous gesture. I was amazed that he would be so kind, okay, I take back all the bad things I said about him, now Sheila sleep with him and
make up! In the end, Ryan ends up winning, picks the last ball and it's Jen's red unitard which he promptly trades for Sheila's ten grand. What a guy! Now that's just plain mean. How could anyone do that to someone that hasn't done one thing to him. What greed! I could see if she was evil or something, but basically, she's a good person, cries alot, but a good person. I'm thinking Ryan needs to be sent packing back to his Jen.

Chelsia got the veto and of course took herself off the block. The dramatic moment of who would Ryan chose to replace her was played out with great suspense. The four, Chelsia, James, Joshuah (who thinks he's running the house) and Sharon are betting, well more like hoping that Ryan will put up Matt. Sheila somehow in her motherly way explains to Ryan that he's just being used, that he's a puppet, humm... I bet that's a role he's familiar with. This seems to take on a light bulb moment for him and he says that he's not going to be manipulated. Go Ryan! He does have a brain cell after all. So back to the veto ceremony, Ryan says, now that Chelsia has taken herself off, it is my duty to nominate someone else and that person is........................take a deep breath.......James. What? Why James, he should have put up the one changeling creature that can impersonate both man and woman, Joshuah! I mean after all, he is the biggest poop stirrer of the house. But my question is answered when we see Ryan and Joshuah talking that they have each other's back. When they are lounging around the pool, Matt can't keep from boasting and janking Joshuah
's chain. Of course this sets Joshuah off to which Sharon tries to tell him to shut up to keep the heat off her. I don't know why girls have the need to gossip, but Sharon reveals to Sheila that Matt made out with her in a weak attempt to win her support. Sheila then runs to tell Natalie and just like that, they decide to vote off Sharon, so there! Boy this house can flip on a dime, I tell ya.

Next we are treated to scenes of the sequestered evicted house guest. To my surprise, they are living in separate houses. Amanda and Alex still hate each other, and Allison is all by herself. I'm wondering if she brought that work out ball or did they have one there. I would go nuts if I had to be sequestered by myself. Each one of the evictees are excited that they might be able to go back into the house, but don't hold your breath.
By a vote of 5 to 1, James is evicted..........
But Jame's exit is short lived as the alarm sounds after James departs. We learn from Julie that one of the house guest America has voted might return to the house. But there is a twist, of course, I knew that. We learn that the house guest America has chosen (which is Alex by the way, thanks America, I wanted Amanda to come back) will be put in a large box, cut to a split screen where we see James. The house guest will have
to vote, either bring back James, or take the mystery house guest back. Who does the house guest vote for? Ryan, Matt and Natalie vote for the mystery house guest. Everyone votes and gets James back. Chelsia was so happy to have James back. Hey is James wearing a pink Members Only jacket? U-G-L-Y!

Well, we'll have to see what fireworks James will create by coming back to the house. Now the race is on for HOH. This challenge involves standing on a small foothold while being hoisted in the air with champagne pouring down on them. Hey isn't that awfully expensive? We leave the Big Brother house with everyone holding on to dear life. I'm thinking this might be easier for the woman to hold on since they have smaller feet. Adam already looked like he was having trouble holding on to his chain. This time, I want a woman to win HOH, maybe Sheila?
Hey has anyone noticed the hamster scene? Wonder what that is all about?-Single D
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