With the departure of Allison and with Ryan in charge, the guys are ecstatic that they are no longer attached to the women, well at least some of them. Matt couldn't be happier separating from Chatty Natty. She however, still seems to think they are a couple and that Matty is madly in love with her. She's says to Matt, you know you still want me in your bed and tells the camera in the diary room that he is really using reverse psychology on her. Stalker music please. James is about the only guy in the house that is not happy about being single. He is totally smitten with Chelsia, well maybe for a complete half day, until he offers her up to Ryan as a nominee for eviction to throw the glare away from him and their relationship. Nice going James, so much for love and all that yada yada.
Natalie meanwhile looks up the name Joshua in her book and it says, it's not what he takes in his mouth (I could make a remark here), but what comes out is so evil and dir
ty. Cut to Joshuah in the hot tub praying for salvation and a flatter stomach, huh?

Sheila is still crying over Allison's departure, who am I going to talk to now, as she complains to Adam. I'm sure he could care less. wa wa wa! Goodness that woman is menopausal. One consolation is that she doesn't have to sleep with Adam who snores, talks, moves and farts in bed (ok I add the fart part).

As the house prepares for the food challenge, Natalie tells her team that she's a good speller, after all there are 27 letters in the alphabet right? Wrong, she counted X, Y and Z. Matt had to tell her "you counted "and". Oophs!
The reward challenge is to dive in a pool filled with chocolate and find letters that will spell food words. The team with the most correctly spelled food words wins. Teams were going good, finding and sp
elling words like, sushi, meat, beef, etc. Sheila couldn't find any letters to spell so she found milk. Someone else spelled sauce. I didn't know sauce was a food group. Team Matty, with Natty, James and Adam won the challenge, with a week of eating sushi, fish, meat, and sauce.

After the challenge it's down to the serious business of nominating the evictees and the guys as typical form a "Bro" alliance. Ryan should have never aligned himself with the guys. I thought he would be smarter than to make a pact with the dimwits of the house. Just for that I hope a girl wins it all, so there. Ryan caves in to the "Bro" pressure and nominates two of the smartest women in the house, Sharon and Chelsia. I hope James feels bad about throwing Chelsia under the bus. The guys deserve revenge and we need to bring back Amanda to rock the "Bro" alliance up! -Single D
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