Talk back at the camp was Joel being blindsided. While the faves sleep dreaming of feather pillows and steak dinners, Erik tells us that he's appalled on how cold blooded the faves are. Hey Erik are you forgetting that it was Tracy's idea in the first place? Ami is all ready to fli
p her alliance over to Tracy. Hum, I think she's just trying to hit on her. And Tracy, put a top on, you have prominent corks showing through your green bathing suit. At the reward challenge, tribes have to build a blockage through the other tribes tunnel. Jonathan pipes up saying that he thinks he could be of help. Hey Jonathan you might want to rest that knee? Jonathan is hobbling around and he looks like he's in terrible pain. But through his perservance and determination his tribe wins the challenge. Jonathan's joy is quickly squashed when Jeff says the medics are going to check out his knee. When they open up the bandage, Jonathan's knee is infected. His choices are leave the island and get real medical help, no jungle surgery, or stay and die. Plain and simple. It had the entire tribe in tears. I know how Jonathan must have felt. He wanted to cry the kind of cry where you feel the sobs deep within,
wailing long and hard and loud. Then after the cry, your body is spent but you feel better. Gee I need a nap. I always need a nap after a good cry. Sorry to see you go Jonathan, I was really beginning to like him this time around and it seemed his game was more on point. James was not happy being left with all the women as Jason and Chet head off to exile island.

Back at Airai camp, the reward was two native Micronesia men would come over and show them the ways of jungle living. When they arrive, they introduce themselves as Joe and
Edwin. That's not native names! I'm thinking Papaya or Moorea or something, not Joe and Edwin. They probably drive cars and wear ties in real life. They teach them how to fish and catch coconut crabs. Who knew that crabs eat coconuts?

Back on exile island, Jason is eager to find the idol while Chet says that he wants to rest his foot because he cut it on a piece of coral and besides word had it that Ozzy found it. Jason's not discouraged and continues to finds all the clues which eventually leads him to find the fake idol. He's estatic when he finds the idol. Oh boy, my mother is going to be so proud! Doesn't he get suspicious when it is so crudely formed? It has two gouges for eyes and a mouth. Hey where's the beads, shells and coconut hair?
For the immunity challenge, each tribe will have to get two persons across the water on giant stilts, while the tribes hold them up, then all seven will have to stand atop a narrow platform. Jame's tribe uses their heads and carries Eliza on one of the stilts to the other side instead of using it as a stepping stone like the other tribe did. They make quick work of it, and manage to get everyone on the platform with James holding each one of them on the platform to win immunity. I was glad Airai tribe won.
At the loser's camp, Chet says he wants to open his festering sore with a fish hook. Great more pus! Ozzy talks him out of it, so Chet says he wants to be voted off as he is having issues with his health and that wound. Gee problem solve right? Wrong! Tracy and Erik are feeling vulnerable so they try to convince Chet to stay and vote off Ozzy (hey what happened to all that talk about voting off Cirie?) Erik is practically begging Chet to stay saying to him it would be the honorable thing to do. Honorable my cinnamon bun! No mind at the cost of Chet's health and festering sore. Ok so he loses a foot, so what! But Erik and Tracy would futher themselves in the game tho!
At tribal counsel Jeff ask Ozzy if he had the idol would he feel the need to play it? Ozzy says it's not my night since we all know Chet wants to go home. Of course, I'm thinking noooooo! It was a close call this time, but Chet in the end wanted out badly. He told the camera that he decided not to go along with Tracy and Erik because he needed to leave. Good for him and good for Ozzy! Hey guys watch your back-fans are looking to get you out of the game!-Single D
This is just a quickie to get myself caught up from being on vacation (you can read all about it above).
I felt so bad for Jonathan, he was doing so much better this time around and I was actually cheering for him. But it was not to be as his knee got so infected that he could lose his leg and was talked into going to hospital for real surgery. This becomes James' nightmare since losing Jonathan leaves James alone with the women. At least he still has Parvati.
On Exile Island, Chet and Jason talk about looking for the idol. Chet complains that he has a piece of coral stuck in his foot and can hardly walk. So while Chet sits in the water, Jason is off on the hunt. He finds Ozzy's hastily made fake idol and you can see Jason really wants this to be the real idol but he thinks it looks too crude. He finally decides it's the real deal and returns to Chet a happy survivor. For being such a fan, wouldn't you think Jason has seen what the real idols look like? They are not a piece of drift wood with a smily face cut in.
After losing immunity, Chet tries to tell everyone to vote him off because of his foot. He is just a big woosie. After all, here is Jonathan about to lose a limb and keeps playing and Chet has a boo boo. The tribe listens and decides to get rid of the dead weight called Chet. Funny, after Jeff snuffed his torch, Chet wasn't limping as he practically skipped down the outcast path. Another so called fan bites the sand! Double D
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