The team goes to the 200 year old Red Mill in Clinton, New Jersey. Reports here are the usual footsteps as well as the sound of a typewriter and the apparition of a little girl.
Steve and Tango start in the mill room and have an altercation with a spider. The spider gets on Tango and he tells Steve to get it off him. Did you forget who you are talking to? Steve is afraid of everything (except ghosts)!
J & G go to the 2nd floor and hear the footsteps. Grant tries to make contact with the little girl and tells her it would be funny if she would tug on Jason's pant leg. Across the room, Jason feels a pull on his pant leg! Later, Grant feels the same thing. Looks like the little girl just wants to play.
Nothing was caught on video but one EVP from Grant telling the girl to pull on Jason's pants yields a response of "come on". Jason says the mill has paranormal activity but stops short of calling it haunted.

J & G start in the drawing room telling the spirits it's customary to present one's self when someone enters your home. Right after that, they both hear footsteps and see a shadow. Well, they did say to show yourself! Grant also gets his ear flicked after provoking a spirit. That will teach you, you can't be rude to a ghost!
Kris & Joe to into the room where a man threw his nephew out of the window. When they don't have any luck, Kris suggests they provoke the spirits so she says, "come out you pathetic loser!" It's OK to be rude to a bad ghost.
Tango & Tango dad are in the tea room doing EVP work and dad asks "are you afraid of us?" and they hear a voice.
The team get the footsteps on audio as well as the response to Tango dad's question are you afraid of us, no.
Jason will not declare the property haunted but says there is paranormal activity. Double D
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