The first hour was devoted to DeAnna batting her eyelashes (maybe she has dry eye?) and telling Chris Hanson that she really doesn't want to keep guys around that she has no feelings for, like the chef Robert, (I would have kept him around so he could cook for me), Fred, (I would have kept him around because he would have been nice to me) and Brian, (I would have kept him around because he's eye candy, yummy!). I did like the two second bios on the remaining bachelors. My favorite was Sean, who knew that dude's high maintenance! What can I say, the guy's got a tanning booth and sauna in his home and as he says, the darker the thinner (isn't that the darker the deader-skin cancer?) He did score points being a mama's boy and lives one street over from her, which could be a good thing or a nightmare, depending on how mommie dearest she is. I thought it was funny when Ron (eliminated barber, er, hair stylest) gave Sean a hair make over. Looked good but what about Jesse's hair? Next it was Jason, who is a golfer, which never sits well with me. One of my old boss used to say, golfing is for guys that can't have sex! Jason claims he's a risk taker, how much of a risk taker can you be if you play golf? Jeremy on the other hand, loves taking risk in sky diving, bungee plunging, and fast motorcycles. I think he just has the need to show off how macho he is, not! He seems like he would be a control freak, careful DeAnna! Next it was Graham, does he remind you of a mechanic? Shouldn't he be looking under the hood of some car or something?
It's off to Palm Springs for the remaining 6 bachelors and Sean gets the first single date, a ride up the PS tram for a romantic dinner at the top. More like a frigid dinner, but it looked like DeAnna was warming up to mama's boy, Sean and she invited him to her room for dessert, no just dessert! The next day it's helicopter rides out to the desert for some ATV action. Self professed idiot Twilly got to ride with DeAnna alone in the copter, a perfect chance to get some alone time, if not for the fact the Twilly got motion sickness and DeAnna was just grateful that he didn't puke all over her. After riding in the desert and getting all dusty, it's back to the Palmer Resort for a dip in the pool. Jesse gets alone time with DeAnna and she really wants him to kiss her as she leans forward, her lips leading the way, but Jesse is oblivious. Yak, yak, yak. He's talking but what is he saying? Unfortunately he misses out of closing the deal when Graham snatches her away, which was surprising since he really hasn't made a move on his own. Did you noticed in the hammock how starry eyed DeAnna was gazing up at Graham, but Graham wasn't really looking in her direction making eye contact? His body language is just tense, could he be in the closet?
The following night it's a date with Jeremy. She picks him up in a vintage convertible about the size of a small Carnival Cruise ship, how do you park a thing like that? It's dinner at Frank Sinatra's old house. It's just what I would have imagined his house would look like, so fifties, but a bit bizarre. Having dinner at a house that is practically a museum piece was very strange. I think the whole date just looked so awkward, right down to the karaoke singing (I can hear the dogs howling) to taking a dip in the pool. Why does every date end with a dip in the pool? I wouldn't want to mess my hair and makeup, of course if I don't have any make-up on I look like Madame Mao grandmother-ouch!
Back to the mansion and it's back to reality, when the guys show up, Chris announces that there will be no cocktail party tonight, DeAnna has made up her mind. And when she makes up her mind, it's no party. So it's down to the business of getting rid of the two that she doesn't want, Twilly and Sean. Well no surprise there with Twilly, but Sean? I think she should have given him a chance, but then again, like she said, if she's not attracted to him, then it's off with ya. -Single D
Mid season check up. Translates into, we didn't enough footage and we are booked for another week so we will do a recap and sell it as a tell all by DeAnna. Oh no it wasn't! The only thing she told was that Ryan never told her he was a virgin. Like that would have made a difference, she may have gotten rid of him even sooner! And I still think she WAY over reacted at the BBQ. Come on girl, it was supposed to be a party. She really expected these guys to pour their hearts out at a function that was meant to be a kick back and relax time. Granted, I was surprised no one took advantage (Jeremy) but for her to react like that leads me to believe DeAnna may be a bit high maintenance and not the little sweetheart we think she is.
We get to see Ryan & Trista at home with their adorable baby, Max. Even Trista thinks Graham is hot. Will somebody please tell me what it is with this guy? He always looks like he is trying to grow a beard but it never gets any thicker. Surprises all around as we find out that Twilly is an artist and Sean is high maintenance. He puts more stuff on his face and hair than I do! However, he does like the finer things. Hey, as long as he has the money, great!
The group goes to Palm Springs for a week and Sean gets the first one on one date. They go on the tram to the top of the mountain. I've been on that tram and it rotates as it goes up the mountain so you get a view from all angles. They had dinner at the top and Sean starts talking and talking and talking. DeAnna didn't seem to mind since she invited him for dessert. After dessert they hit the hammock (she has a thing for hammocks) and Sean makes his move to kiss DeAnna. Looks like Sean will be sticking around after all.
The group date includes everyone but Jeremy. A helicopter comes to pick up the group and DeAnna says sorry but the helicopter is for her and Twilly much to his delight. Poor Twilly, he finally gets a chance to be alone with DeAnna and everything goes wrong. First he can't get the door to the helicopter open, then he gets motion sickness, then he can't get the door open when they land. I actually felt sorry for the guy. The only way it could have been worse is if he had actually puked on DeAnna!
The group go out to the open desert to ride ATVs. Jesse was showing off doing wheelies and falls off and Twilly, still cursed, couldn't get his ATV to start when it was time to go back. At the resort, they have a pool party and DeAnna quizzes Jason about how it would be to go on a hometown date with him. Jesse takes DeAnna away where she tells him she thought he was hot on the ATV. OK Jesse that's your cue! DeAnna was hoping he would kiss her and even moved in a little closer but Jesse was totally oblivious. Men! I swear you have to take the reins on some of them! Graham steps in and sweeps DeAnna off to, you guessed it, the hammock. Graham was talking and staring off into space, did he even know DeAnna was there? It's all about Graham honey. There's a reason he has never had a serious relationship.
Jeremy's one on one date is dinner at Frank Sinatra's house. Were they allowed to touch anything in the house? They went into the studio, put on a record and tried to sing. I really could have done without hearing that. I guess the editors had some time to fill in because they were both awful singers! Dancing pool side was romantic. I'm starting to get jealous! After dinner they get in Ol' Blue Eye's pool but there wasn't any swimming going on.
DeAnna decides to chuck the cocktail party since she already knows what, or who, she wants. She sends home Twilly and Sean. I was surprised she kept Jesse since he seems to have developed cold feet of late. I think she should have kept Sean. He came out kind of full of himself but ended up as a nice guy. Next week, home town dates! Double D
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