The commercials promised this last episode of the season to be the scariest, so I was really looking forward to it. The TAPS team goes to New Castle, New Hampshire and the Portsmouth Harbor. The light house, keeper's quarters and Fort Constitution will encompass this investigation. The fort was built in 1808 and there are reports of footsteps and voices heard. The keeper's quarters, built in 1872 is the site of apparitions, noises and footsteps. The light house is a working light house and people have reported hearing voices and seeing apparitions.

J & G are first in the light house and start communicating with the "captain" who is often seen there. They ask the captain to make a noise and he obliges. Just to make sure it wasn't coincidence, they ask a second and third time for him to make a noise and they are rewarded each time with a knock. Excited that there is good activity, J & G send in Kris and Amy to see of they experience the same things. Amy asks the captain to knock for them and he repeats the knock in the same pattern. Kris asks the captain to come up to them (they are at the top of the light house) and immediately hear footsteps on the stairs. The girls continue to hear the footsteps & knocking which is clearly heard on the TV.
J & G go to the fort and a shadowy figure and hear a male voice. They then go to the keeper's quarters and get a door slammed shut as soon as they walk in. When they hear a woman laugh, Jason tries to communicate by knocking and gets responses on the K2 meter.
The team catches the knocking and the laugh on audio. There were a lot of personal experiences but Jason would like to investigate further before calling the place haunted. Well, it wasn't the scariest episode like the commericial promised but it wasn't bad either. Stay tuned for Ghost Hunters International starting in January. Can't wait! Double D
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