This episode starts with Fabio & Stefan crying in their beer wondering what happened to them in the last episode because they are SO great, they couldn't possibly be on the bottom. Today is another day and another quick fire which is to make a holiday meal that can be

made in one pot to be judged by the cooking diva herself, Martha Stewart. They have 45 minutes to make this one pot wonder so I was paying close attention. If something can be made in 45 minutes in one pot, that's for me!

Some of the dishes were Paella from Hosea (gee that rhymes), meatballs with mashed potato and pork loin with cabbage so I got a few ideas. Martha didn't like Fabio's polenta which Fabio couldn't believe and thought Martha was crazy. It was Ariane with another win when she made filet with cauliflower puree'. Talk about a come back, this girl is on a roll!

The elimination challenge is to make a dish based on the 12 days of Christmas to be judged at an AIDS fundraiser. What do you cook for 9 ladies dancing? The cheftestants (yes there is it again) prep their meals but the next day it was discovered that someone had left the fridge door open and Hosea & Radhika's dishes were spoiled. The other chefs pitched in and helped them both to make alternate dishes. Now there's team spirit! Stefan had the drummers so he made pot pie, OK. Fabio had the ladies dancing and made a "dancing" crab cake. Maybe he put in some Mexican jumping beans? Jeff with lords a leaping came up with potato risotto with pork and brussel sprouts. I guess the brussel sprouts with have you leaping the to the wash room. Ariane who has been on such a come back, makes deviled eggs which did not impress the judges and earned her a spot on the bottom. Hosea wins with his pork loin & chipotle mashed potatoes.

As the chefs are wondering who will be packing their knives, Chef Tom comes in and announces that everyones food pretty much sucked but since everyone banded together to help Hosea and Radhika, no one is getting sent home. So now it's off for some egg nog! Happy Holidays!
Double D
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