We start out at the house where it's pretty clear Stefan has the hots for Jamie even though he knows she's gay. I guess he thinks he's so good that he can change her! Good luck with that Stefan.
It's the quick fire taste test with teams of 2 playing name that ingredient by bidding how many ingredients they can identify in a dish. Stefan goes in with his cocky self and gets all the way to the final round with Carla & Hosea. The final taste test is Mexican Mole' which Stefan clearly doesn't like. After Carla misses an ingredient it's down to an exciting finish in which Hosea & Stefan try out bidding each other. Hosea edges out sassy Stefan for the win. Go Hosea!

Here comes the bride for the elimination challenge. Gail is one brave woman to trust her bridal shower to the cheftestants, yes, that's right, cheftestants, kind of catchy you think? Gail arrived looking positively radiant. Even Padma couldn't outshine her this day. The challenge is to make dishes based on the poem Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. The cheftestants break up into teams with the "new" team going for a surf & turf sushi but Gene over cooks the rice and it comes out too sticky. So rather than making a new batch, he tries to make it work by adding chili pepper and calling it chili pepper sticky rice.

Chef Tom comes into the kitchen where he tells the chefs that since it's a girl thing, he has been banished to the kitchen and will do his tasting there. The "blue" team does a seafood theme, ocean, blue, get it? The "borrowed" team borrows from Radhika's Indian culture and makes lamb with French and Indian spices. The "old" team decides on an heirloom tomato theme and Jeff makes a tomato sorbet while Stefan keeps telling him it won't be good. Much to Stefan's displeasure, the judges say it was the one thing that made their dish. However, it was Ariane's lamb that wins her the challenge
. I'm so jealous of her prize, she won a complete set of Calphalon cook ware as well as the new Calphalon electric ware.

It was the "new" team on the chopping block. Gene failed to tell the women that it was a build it yourself sushi and a lot of the women were wondering what the nori was for. Come on, they look like a bright bunch, I would have thought they would figure it out. Anyway, Danny's part of the dish which was a yuzu ginger granita, didn't sit too well with the judges. Danny stood by his dish and wouldn't budge even after the judges were hinting that if he would say, yeah your right maybe I could have done this or that, he might have been spared. But no, being stubborn earned Danny a pack your knives and go.
Double D
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