Copenhagen, Denmark at the Trekroner Fort is the scene of this investigation. This is the site of a battle with the British in 1801. The northern building, which was used to house troops during peace time, is the scene of a lot of activity. People report being touched, hearing noises and footsteps. A woman is also heard and seen.
Barry & Angela start out in the basement doing EVP work when Angela gets something breathing in her ear. Maybe the spirits are getting fresh! They start hearing footsteps and follow the sounds when they get a footstep right in front of them. It seems whatever is making the footsteps was playing a game of tag. Angela goes to the basement with Robb this time and they were able to communicate with a spirit using the EMF detector. Angela asks if the spirit is happy that she is there and gets a spike on the EMF. Must have been the same one that was breathing in her ear!
Brandy & Dustin also check out the basement and get hits on the EMF as well as having the EMF detector get knocked over by something unseen as the camera is rolling. The findings are a couple of EVPs, one that sounds, to me anyway, like a dog whining. Robb says it's a whistle. The other audio was of the footsteps. Angela also captures a shape walk by the corner of her video camera.
Back in Lima, Peru, the team is asked to investigate a private residence, Casa Garland. The residence has been in the same family for 500 years, so you know something has got to be going on. The family has seen two nuns and have felt one of the rooms shake for no apparent reason and also hear noises. I would think spirits of nuns would be a good thing but not for them as the family is afraid to stay in the house and has asked GHI for help. One photo taken years ago shows a face in a window that looks like a late grandfather so maybe gramps is hanging around making noises. Robb & Paul, the local investigator, start upstairs in the shaking room and try to provoke the spirits when they hear a noise. Dustin decides to check out the roof and finds cats hanging out there which debunks those bumps in the night.
Barry takes a load of pictures to try and capture the grandfather's image but comes up empty. No evidence is found and Robb says the house is not haunted. Double D
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