In a nutshell-
George Clinton snores loud, likes Fruit Loops and cracks his tooth.
George Clinton goes to the dentist.
George is snoring in the dentist chair.
Task-write a group song.
Group wants to write a lively light song.
Richard Grieco walks out.
Richard Grieco has anger and control issues.
Group outing-a forest trip where they are to climb a pole.
Richard Grieco has anger and control issues.
Richard Grieco walks out on the group.
Richard Grieco admits to a fear of heights.
Pairing as a team, Tara and Richard walk a tightrope.
Richard Grieco wants to control the situation.
Tara coaxes Richard to let go of the control stuff.
Tara becomes the Doctor Phil of the group.
Richard Grieco breaks down.
Richard cries.
Richard smiles.
Group hug.
Everyone becomes all warm and fuzzy.
Compose group song on bus back home.
Group song light and lively.
George cracks his tooth again-ouch!
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