Everyone is down on Josea and Leah for throwing Ariane under the bus and are giving them a wide berth. Even Fabio gives them a bit of a curse wagging his fingers at them like the evil eye. The quickfire is to create a tasting which will set the theme for their restaurant. Radihka & Leah win so their ideas will be the theme of their respective restaurants. They chose their teams, Leah picks Josea first, of course, Fabio and ends up with Stefan by default. Radihka gets Jamie, Carla and Jeff.
Radihka doesn't have a very commanding presence and can't or won't be the boss. In Leah's camp, she is getting run over by the Stefan/Fabio train. When it was time to buy supplies and decorations, Stefan and Fabio look like a couple shopping for their first apartment. Feeling overwhelmed, Leah seeks solace in Josea's arms. The camera moves in and all you hear is kissing sounds. At least I think it was kissing sounds, my bathroom sink makes the same sound as the water drains. They both say they are in relationships and they shouldn't be doing this. Well DUH! Did you think your respective loved ones are not going to watch you on national TV? I hope you have better judgement in the kitchen. In the cold light of day, Josea & Leah act like they did the deed instead of just kissing. They avoid eye contact and remind themselves that they knew it would affect how they worked with each other. Meanwhile, Fabio gets the front of the house and is busy decorating. He does pretty good, I guess if he can't make it on Top Chef he could move over to Top Design. He is so sure of himself that he says, "we could serve monkey ass and empty clam shells" and he will sell it. Somehow I believe it! The big night comes and Fabio comes out looking every bit like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever with his leisure suit. At least it was off white.
Radihka's restaurant came out good, food and all but died with the desserts. Here she has the best pastry chef who is trying to make not so frozen yogurt. Instead of telling her to scrap that and do what she does best, Radihka just roams around the kitchen or stares at the tickets. She doesn't spend any time with the customers and looks like a dear caught in the headlights when more people show up than she expected. The judges finally decide to leave when it was apparent Radihka wasn't going to make another appearance. They leave and, sure enough, Radihka was no where to be found.
At judge's table, Leah's team wins by a slim margin and only because of Fabio's
service and Stefan's desserts which wins him the challenge. Radihka bears the brunt of the judges criticisms. Carla said she knew she was sending out bad desserts but was also sending out love with them. I'm sorry but you can't taste the love in a melted frozen yogurt. Carla was a little scary then telling the judges she was making the desserts with a smile and love, they couldn't see the smile but it was there! Ok, ok calm down, smile. Radihka for her lack of leadership and indecisiveness is told to pack her knives and go. Double D

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