OK-I admit it, I do a lot of channel surfing the nights that my reality shows are not on, last night being one of them. I'm not really dumb really, I do read a lot of books too, maybe I should blog those?! But I happened upon MatchMaker Millionaire and I was in a trance, my husband kept saying aren't you going to bed because before that my eyelids were firmly shut, mouth agape, drool rampant. First of all, any woman, in this case Patti, that can tell it like it is to anyone is my cup of tea. She says all the things I wish I could say, instead, I always resort to the Ally McBeal moments in my mind. Last night's episode, Patti meets with two millionaires, one who owns a number of in-spot restaurants, Lonnie, and the other a CFO of a corporation, Patrick. She meets with each one to gather information about their likes and taste in women. Of course, duh, Lonnie, likes only amply endowed blondes between the ages of 18-24, to which she exclaims, that's why you're alone on Sunday nights. Lonnie needs to be taken down 20 to 30 notches, he's got serious attitude! Patrick on the other hand is socially incompetent, hence, the two chihuahuas and one cat.
Patti puts out a casting call for matches for these two guys which proves to be the funniest scene ever. Her scrunity of the girls is hysterical-doling out criticisms like rapid machine gun fire. You're hair is too curly, guys like long silky hair-lose the curls!
yours is too tight in that bun, let it down!
you-you need hair extensions!
you-you look fat in this picture, why-because it just shows your head!
Girls, you must show cleavage, if you got them, flaunt them!
But the biggest giggle moment was when this Asian women came in (to me she looked 50!), dressed in fishnet stockings, a mini skirt and pink tank prominently displaying her obviously fake enhancements, to which a cool Patti, said, you look like trash, lose the fishnets and change the outfit. When the girl came out, she said in a very accented tone, she like bruised me like I have punches on my body where she said I no look good. I almost expected her to say, 5 dollar love you long time (I can say this, I'm Asian), I'm thinking Patti really wanted to say, this is not an open casting call for a brothel.
During the reception, Lonnie and Patrick are introduced to the room full of hopefuls in which they get a 5 minute one on one. Lonnie in his superior I am greater than thou acted like he didn't want to be there and really didn't say much of anything during the one on ones. Patrick on the other hand kept asking every woman if they liked animals. His ears did perk up when one said she likes to horseback ride, to which he asked do you like dogs? But the true connection moment came, when one of the girls said she owned a chihuahua, his eyes lit up, I could almost hear a symphony playing in the back ground, love was in the air, the music swells..........
And then..................sorry, I fell asleep! -Single D
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