With Vinny gone, the fallout continued with Baldwin going back into the boardroom and telling Trump that he just can't work with Piers. Come on Baldwin, get over it, I think you're being a little over dramatic, it's just a game. Trump counters Baldwin, with go to the women's team then, but don't quit. I'm thinking everytime someone quits, it's like a slap in the face for Trump, after all, where would his show be if the major players quit? And Trump hates quitters. So Baldwin licks his paws and retreats to the womens side, but is not warmly received, gee ya think? and why should they? They have been side swiped by the guys before. I loved it when O said, so now you are coming to our side, yet you can't work for us because you have another engagement? After all their clucking, they had to accept Trump's decision. When Baldwin told the guys he was going to work for the women's team, even if it meant that he was just going to make coffee, the usually quite Lennox went off.
Lennox was chosen as the PM for this challenge with Lady O as PM for the women. This next challenge involved setting up a live window display, showcasing Vera Wang and Serta (you know the mattress). I love Vera Wang, I wish I could be her, or at least have her money. Isn't there something so romantic about designing wedding dresses? On the set, Vera said that the three things she would look for are: creativity, brand imaginig, and entertainment value. When the guys heard this challenge, Piers said that "Lennox and Tito showing their sensitive side is like beating the hell out of Tyson on a quiet Monday". But once again, tall quiet man, Trace comes up with the display idea, didn't I say, watch out for those strong
silent types? It was extremely funny how Lennox took his leadership role by asking everyone to raise their hands if they wanted to speak. This lead into a ten minute dialog about raising hands, and voting, to which Piers said "Are we going to vote on everything"? Lennox-yes, Piers-that's not running things, that voting, Lennox-yes, Piers-are you going to vote? Lennox-no and then yes, and when asked what was his vote by Piers, Lennox asked Tito what was his vote? And so on and so on for about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, at the girls camp, Marilu looked like she was losing it. She looked like a mime gone wild, gesturing, posturing and not really being able to communicate her vision to which O had to tell her to calm down, because they were getting nowhere. Marilu replies that one needs to watch their back with Omarosa, because she'll stab you in the back, in the heart, in the side. I thought the girls idea of the wedding night and the new groom (Baldwin) would sweep the new bride (Carol) into their bedroom was great, I just didn't think it would involve the entire wedding party. Unfortunately the mattress seemed more like a prop than the focus of the window. When Vera saw the window she did so much cooing that I thought for sure the girls won. The guys window showcased Cleo and Mark Anthony eating grapes on the mattress juxtaposed with new electronic stuff, which I thought was very clever. And so did Vera and Serta and the guys win it again. I just think the girls window lacked pizzazz and color and obviously didn't go outside the box.
This episode featured an old friend George, where have you been? I thought maybe you got canned like Caroline who got too big for her own good. She forgot where her fame came from. I've always liked George, if I could have a grandfather, I'd want it to be him.
We start off this episode in the suite after Vinny takes his leave. As unpleasant as only Piers can be, Omarosa has to show her "classy" side by dumping a glass of champagne on his head. If you are going to do that Omarosa, at least stick around to see the outcome. That's one of her problems, no follow through!
Both teams are under the gun to finish their respective displays. The guys were so far behind that I really didn't think they would finish in time. All that hand raising and all, I wasn't surprised. Did Lennox make them raise their hands to go to the potty?
Both teams did finish and Vera and company came to the girls window first. She gushed SO much over their presentation, that I too thought they would win. But when Vera saw the guys window she gushed just as much. Does she just not want to hurt any feelings? OK, I did like the Serta sheep in the window.
The guys end up winning again. Their window was really more creative and thought outside the window. I was pleasantly surprised that these guys who, combined, couldn't have a feminine thought, won this challenge. That's OK guys, I like menly men, with a bit of gentleman thrown in for good measure!
In the boardroom, it was Omarosa on the hot seat. She wasn't talking smack that night! Even trying to get out of bringing back anyone by suggesting that everyone stay. George (welcome back George!) wasn't having any of that telling her that's all part of being in charge. The Donald pretty much told her who to bring back anyway. It seems to me that he has had to do that a lot in this series. Once Omarosa makes her choices, it was just a matter of time before The Donald fired Nely. Double D

In the boardroom the girls were under attacked and when Trump asked Baldwin who was the weakest link-he quickly gave up Marilu-how did he know, when he wasn't present most of the time? It seemed like Omarosa fell apart under scrutiny and when asked who she was going to bring back, she was cautioned by Trump to not do what Gene did. I think that stuck in her head, that if she did not bring back Nely, she would be the one gone like Gene, ya think?
I liked it when Omarosa asked why should they go out, why can't it just be done with everyone there-which we know was a total cop out as she didn't want to name the two weakest, and George piped up to say that things aren't always the way we want them and that's the duty of the PM. Omarosa did the right thing and brought back Nely and Marilu. Marilu knows when to keep her trap shut as Nely did everything possible to sink her own boat by talking back to the Donald. Incredulously she asked why he kept bringing up the fact that she dodged two bullets by Gene not taking her back into the boardro
om! The Donald has been wanting her gone, probably knowing that she really isn't worth her salt or her loud mouth. The Donald in the end had cannons aimed at her this time and he wasn't going to miss-Nely you're fired!-Single D

Stephen jumps on the "I hate Piers" bandwagon and goes crying to The Donald about how he can't work with Piers. Piers, are you getting a clue? The Donald grants Stephen's wish and sends him to the girls team. Oh Donald since you are granting wishes, I would like a cute little red sports car!
The girls were not very happy to find out that Stephen would be joining them. Joining them in spirit anyway, since he had a previous engagement. The guys seemed disappointed also that Stephen defected to the other side. The girls voiced their displeasure to The Donald who promptly told them to get used to it. Does anyone in this capacity decline The Donald anything?
Omarosa appoints herself PM and comes up with the not so imaginative wedding theme. Marilu, in charge of construction looked like a deranged marionette waving her arms all over trying to give orders, "let's have this, no, no let's have that, wait a minute, put that over there".
In the guys camp, all I can say is Vera Wang & Trace, oil & water. That being said, Trace comes up with a great slogan, "The world's greatest romance deserves the world's greatest mattress" and they go with Cleopatra and Mark Anthony. Trace, who would have thought? He must be a real romantic at heart. What kind of songs does he sing? After coming up with their theme, Lennox, the PM, decides that no one will speak unless they raise their hand. Are we back in second grade or does Lennox just not want to hear anyone talk? They waste more time arguing about who can talk when then working on the project. Lennox doesn't seem to be a very good leader and the guys can't come up with a clear focus as to what to do with the window. Just as everyone is getting fed up with Lennox, he let's a fart prompting Piers to comment that is like your leadership, it stinks!
Stephen rejoins the girls and starts throwing out ideas even though they have already settled on their idea. Suck it up Stephen, the world doesn't stop because you weren't there!

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