Our cutie Jeff Probst makes his entrance riding on the outside of a sea plane. Careful Jeff, don't want to lose you to the sharks! The 10 fans are already on the beach when Jeff debutes the favorites, Parvarti giving Jeff a very sparkling Hi. The last to come out is Fairplay dressed like Probst, in khaki and blue, with a cap that has "will lie 4 food".
Right off the bat Jeff announces that there is an immunity idol in plain sight and everyone makes a mad dash for the boats, where we find Yauman and Fairplay making a pounce for it, Fairplay coming up empty handed and whining. Go Yauman!

Back at the Favorites camp, James was already getting the warm fuzzy for his group-careful James, have you not learned anything! And why, why, why Parvarti! She'll break your h
eart dude!

I definitely don't want the fans to win anything! I secretly relish their inability to do anything, clinging to their palm fronds during the intense thunderstorms. Looked really wet and cold, burr!
The challenge looked both complicated and intense, but not to worry, every favorite has been there and done that-WRONG! Out of the starting gate our lame faves lose it, unable to put together the pieces to the wheel-hey Yauman, aren't you good at puzzles and where's Pee Geih when you need her? The fans took off like a rocket and took a hugh lead, with the faves tipping over poor Eliza as she took a header off the wagon. I expected her to have a concussion!
In the end it looked like the faves gave up as they just stood there and watched the fans raise their fire. I'm sure all over America, people were screaming at their tv, throwing their slippers. Come on! The faves were too cocky-yep guys, it's in the bag! Their bellies were full and their bodies rested unfortunately had nothing compared to the hunger and determination of the fans to show them up and kick their butts, which is exactly what they did! This humbled the faves back at camp, remember, never ever rest on your laurels.
At the faves camp, the usual jockeying for position began, with Pav and James teaming up with Amanda and Ozzy. It looked like Fairplay would be the swing vote, until he does the 180 and seems to find sanity, conscience, and fatherhood all in one enlightening moment. Holy cow-is this for real or
is he going to pull a grandma died thing here? Where has my Johnnie gone? Right up until the very end, I was hoping I'd see a glimmer of his old self, but alas, this was not to be, our favorite villian was the first cast off and wins the honorary distinction of redeemed villian turned super hero. Yuck! Well Johnnie, wish you would have stayed on and wrecked havoc on the camp, I would have love to see what diabolical plots you could have hatched, so instead, I wish you luck on fatherhood and I know somewhere out there, Fairplay is giving his sly smile.-Single D

It's finally here! Fans vs faves, love it! The action started right away with the race for the idol. Fairplay gets one and is kept from a second when Yau-Man trips and pushes Fairplay into the canoe causing him to drop his idol. Yau-Man sees Kathy from the fans team and tells her to "pick that up". Fairplay starts whining about how Yau-Man bashed his head into the boat and not being real happy about it, vows to get rid of Yau-Man. Game on!

At the challenge, the faves again show that they have been doing their homework by leaping into the lead while the faves struggled with everything. After crashing their wagon and sending Eliza to the ground on her face, Yau-Man was trying to hold the wheel on the wagon. Everyone gets to the sand pit to dig for planks to make a bridge. The fans immediately start throwing their sand into the faves pit, good thinking. The fans pull out the win with the faves looking on scratching their heads.

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