When I saw Transylvania, I was really hoping the team would go to Bran Castle home of the original Dracula, Vlad "the impaler" Dracul. But it was not to be and they ended up at Citadel Rasnov which happens to be in the Transylvania section of Romania. We never hear when the citadel was built but lucky for us I know how to Google, and found that it was built around the year 1215. Some of the haunts here include a monk seen praying in front of the crucifix and the same crucifix casting odd shadows. The citadel's well was built by two captured Turkish soldiers who were promised their freedom after completing the well but were killed anyway, talk about going back on your word! It is said they are still haunting the well, I don't blame them! In the museum area, a guard dog will not go past a certain spot.
On with the investigation. Barry, Brian & Robb start at the front gate where they get high EMF readings and Barry does some EVP work in German, I guess Romanians speak German?
Shannon & Donna check out the crucifix and Donna gets a battery drain on her camera. In the museum, Barry sees a shadow which is debunked when the team finds a window down a long hallway letting in some light. It's Shannon & Donna's turn to go into the museum. They find Max the dog and try to get him into the museum. He won't budge even though he is wet and cold, he will not go near that museum. Animals just know something in these matters. The girls go in anyway and start EVP work. Shannon starts getting pissy wanting a spirit to show itself while Donna is more patient even asking the spirits if they liked to knit. Maybe that's why Donna is the fave among the spirit world.
Robb decides to split up the girls when it becomes way obvious they are getting on each other's nerves and can't agree on how to run an EVP session. While all of this was going on, Brian went into the well and did some EVP of his own. He did find a bone (maybe Max the dog buried it there) and felt a cold breeze with no source at the bottom of the well.
Barry takes Shannon into the chapel where he tells her to sit on a bench to observe while he goes down stairs. Let me tell you, she was not the least bit happy about that. Maybe she is PMSing because she was being a total b!tch. Barry meanwhile, finds a sealed door at the bottom of the stairs and looks through a crack and sees what appears to be two legs cross his field of vision. It pretty much scares the stuffing out of him and orders everyone to leave. After telling the rest of the team what happened, Donna went into mother hen protection mode and demanded that the spirit who frightened her friend show itself. That didn't work and the team came up empty.
Shannon & Robb have a little heart to heart. Apparently Shannon is feeling underappreciated but Robb reassures her that she is a valuable investigator and to keep focused on the investigations. Come on Robb tell it like it is, the woman is impatient and gets scared half the time. I look for her to get voted off pretty soon, sorry wrong show, I meant, I look for her to go home soon. I think she's just jealous because the ghosts like Donna better.
After sorting through all of the tapes, nothing was caught on video and only two things where captured on audio. The first being a response to Barry asking questions in German, Romanian and English. The response was in Romanian "poftim" which means sorry or say that again. The other was a response to Donna asking who are you, the response was "bine" Romanian for good. I guess the ghost was a little hard of hearing and thought she asked how are you. Donna does research on the citadel and finds the legend of the well is false.
Final verdict is that there is paranormal activity but not enough evidence was gathered to call it a haunting. I still think they should have went to see Vlad the Impaler. Double D
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