Gone Country sure packs alot in the 1/2 hour air time. This weeks episode, JR wants to take the crew to get a taste of real country life by getting down and dirty. Bobby Brown wakes up and immediately wants a cocktail. The crew's destination is Gretchen Wilson's compound where they are going to learn first hand how to shovel horse-sh** and rope wild horses. Maureen's reaction to Gretchen is that she's hot-is Mo a lesbo? Maureen, Bobby and Julio are tasked to rope wild horses in a corral, needless to say, our sweet Juilo boy was scared and when one of the horses kicked the camera man's knee, you see the video swirl around and Bobby runs screaming out of the barn. That was enough for him-someone give the poor man a drink! Maureen on the other hand, thinks all the smell of horse doo doo smells good-maybe she was just trying to impress Gretchen, while the three of them start chewing some tobacco, to which Bobby pronounces
that he's high.

Next stop is Graham Central Station club, where the contestants still in their stinking horse shoveling clothes finds out what it takes to be a Hick Chick, namely, spitting watermelon seeds, to which Bobby quickly announces that is degrading, a burping contest and a toilet horse shoe throwing contest. Who do you think won the burping contest? Maureen of course, she was very proud-if she can't sing, she can at least burp, maybe she should try burping a song? Dee very proudly won the all around Hick Chick title. I want to go to that bar, it looks like a hoot! Bobby is now very drunk and doesn't want to participate in any of it and goes to the bus followed by Carney, who tries to calm him down and when she was bending over Bobby, he promptly farted a loud one in her face, to which she said that his fart was so close she could almost swallow it! YUCK! What a guy, class all the way! When everyone gets back to the bus-Bobby then gets the 3:45 am munchies and proceeds to find himself a bbq leaving everyone in the bus waiting on him.
Once back at the ranch, as everyone is sleeping, Dee and Bobby Brown share a bedroom, which Dee says is an ideal arrangement since they both snore. Dee uses a mouth piece to keep his mouth closed during sleeping hours (he should try wearing that thing during normal hours as well!), so his snoring will not be so offensive, however this backfires on him. We see Bobby getting up and as Dee hears him stir, he sees Brown coming toward his bed, pulling out you know what, to pee, Dee grunts wildly (he still has his mouth piece in), and he didn't want to be peed on, then Bobby heads for the closet, which Dee said he had visions of Bobby spraying the clothes like they were on fire, Dee grunts wildly and says through his muddled mouthpiece, thebafroom, thebafroom! Finally Dee is relieved to hear the sound of splashing water-touchdown! Off to dreamland.
The next day, Bobby complains that something has to be done about his sleepwalking and that he's very concern about it, needless to say what about your drinking problem? I think wandering around in a drunk stupor trying to find the bathroom is just the symptom, not the problem? Bobby, get real and get yourself sober!-Single D
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