It's day four at the camp and the fans camp looks like it did on day one, bleak. As always, the camp has become divided by young and old, why is that always the case? Don't the younger ones know that one day they are going to be old and decrepit too? Show a little respect. This means you Erik, you ice cream scooper! The older ones, Chet, Kathy and Tracy are all about setting up a place to sleep while the younger ones all stand around hoping that the flint will start a fire on its own. After they have made their awesome shelter, the younger ones finally get on the bandwagon and start to build their own shelter, 7 in one and 3 in t
he other. Me personally, I'd rather sleep with two others, than six others, but who am I- one of the decrepit ones!!! At the favorites camp, it looks like some commercial for a all inclusive resort, fishing (did ya see the size of those clams and I really mean clams!), swimming, sunbathing, ah what a life! Now if we could get some Mai Tai's please? Must be all that romantic tropical air that has infused Oz and Amanda during their sleep, for Cirie hears them making strange kissing sounds. Ok, they were really going at it! Come on guys, get a room! Ozzy is really cute, I might be tempted you know with the moon and the stars and the sound of the ocean and Yau-man sleeping with this glasses on? Right....back to survivor.
Finally a cha
llenge where the favorites win, go favorites, go favorites! Ozzy was the first out of the starting gate, he's such an animal, meow! He's such an expert swimmer! What a body, what a guy! Ok, I'm obsessed and frustrated! The twist in the win, was that the favorites got to chose one from the fans and one from the faves to go to Exile Island to look for the immunity idol. Good choice in picking Ms. Kathy and Cirie. They make such a cute couple. Once at Exile Island, they find the clues for the hidden idol by crisscrossing the ocean, back and forth, from one tiny island to another. It looked like great fun, like being on a scavenger hunt. It also looked stunningly beautiful. Come on Cirie, that's probably the most exercise you have gotten all year.
Back at the fans camp, strategy is in the works, with Mikey B and Mary teaming up, wrong move Mary. First Mikey had so many different scenarios, I was getting confused, either way with him, he wanted one of the older ones out. Joel, you know the Lou Ferrigno one, did I tell you my friends saw him at the Shot show in Vegas, was feeling threaten by him and put a plan in place to break up Mikey and Mary, which in the end worked. Mary, as Jeff Probst said, this was the first tribal counsel and the first blindsided castoff. She didn't even see it coming, painless and effective. And the old, decrepit ones get to live another day! -Single D
The fan's camp is still disorganized and Chet, Kathy & Tracy have become like a third tribe of their own being the "older" people. Ok you pups, we "older" people have experience, think about it before you write us off and put us in the nursing home! It was great that they (older set) made a great shelter and all of a sudden the rest of the group says, hey, that's a great idea! Sounds like the start of a good blonde joke.
Back at the faves camp, coupling is in the air. It started with Parvati and James and has caught Ozzy & Amanda. Who's next? Yau-Man and Ami? I guess not. After hearing a night of passion from Ozzy & Amanda, Cirie is expecting Amanda to give birth to little Ozlets. Wouldn't that be cute! Anyway, Ozzy & Amanda need to remind themselves that the cameras are always running and that Survivor is a family show! Listen up James & Ozzy, both of those girls will turn on you if it means them moving on, so be careful.

At the challenge, the fans are really happy to see that Johnny Fairplay was voted out. If nobody liked him, how did he get to be a favorite? The challenge was smash the tile and grab the key with a puzzle at the end. The faves took an early lead and hung onto it. The fans weren't doing too bad until Chet couldn't find his key and had to come back to the beach to let someone else give it a go. The faves pulled it out big time. I'm thinking they were so humiliated at the last challenge that they had to redeem themselves, which they did. They won fishing gear, with Ozzy catching that fish barehanded, did they really need that?
Kathy & Cirie had the distinction of being the first two on exile island. Kathy was overwhelmed telling Cirie she loved watching her but couldn't remember which season she was on. Now there's a fan. They did get all of the clues but failed to find the idol. Maybe they will make an alliance of their own at the merge if they survive the "young ones".

Back at camp, Joel "Ferrigno" is becoming quite the egotist. He is all for voting out Chet after his poor performance at the challenge. Mikey B throws out so many scenarios that it leaves everyone confused as how they should vote. Joel says he thinks Mikey is running the show when, in fact, it is Joel who is running things and shows it by getting everyone to vote out Mary.

After Mary is sent packing at tribal counsel, Jeff manages to subtlety chastise the tribe for pulling an underhanded trick. I love it when he does that! In this case it seems to have fallen on deaf & dumb ears.
Double D
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