Here we have in the right corner, weighing in at 151 pounds of solid venomous muscle, Omarosa, Queen of the Dagger Tongue, and in the left corner, we have weighing in at 178 pounds of solid English muscle, known to whip the mighty with this English rapier wit, Guillotine Mouth Piers. May the best man/woman left standing win the
heavy weight title of the Most Offensive Run of the Mouth on Reality TV. Bell sounds off! And it was just then when Piers uttered the words, I am not going to work for the girls, wild horses could not drag me to work with Omarosa, I will quit first, when we find the Donald splitting the teams in two with Tito, Marilu, Stephen, and Trace on one side and much to the disgust of Omarosa and Piers, teamed together with Lennox and Carol Alt. Baldwin, during this exchange looked like the cat in the hat that ate a rat, who swallow a fish that was in a dish! This episode's challenge was to raise as much money from Central Park carriage rides, right up Trace's country roots-ya know, horses and all? Piers is the PM for his team and straight forwardly tells everyone, the one that raises the least money, will be the one to go home, as he knows darn well, th
at O does not have friends with deep pockets. After all, her notoriety is only based on being known as a reality character. Immediately both sides start calling in their connections. Billy Baldwin pays a visit to his brother, Stephen. It's a good thing Stephen has a lot of brothers, did I mention I saw Alec Baldwin eating lunch in LA? That's what I like, brothers with money. Billy has aged since the last time I saw him, which I can't remember the last time I saw him. Was he the Baldwin in that fire movie? Tito calls his girlfriend, Jenna, and they take a romantic carriage ride when she asks, what park is this? uh da! Traces's friend, JR of Big and Rich, John Rich, finally an over lapping of celebrities on reality shows! See Gone Country posts. I have such immense respect for that guy and he's cute too! I might have to buy some of his CD's. Meanwhile, the boxing match continues on Piers side, especially when Omarosa gives Piers a piece of paper that has his name spelled wrong, which makes him fires her. Jab to the chin! She retaliates by bringing up his children and calling him a bad father. Left hook below the belt! This of course sets him off. Knock down!

In the boardroom, Piers continued his defense of himself against the Queen of the Dagger Tongue, stating that she attacked his family and that is where he draws the line! So there! She's a pathetic excuse for a human being! I thought Omarosa behaved as the English would say, deplorably. Her continual attack on his family was wrong and over the line and as he said, he has never attacked anyone personally. Ok for once I sided with him. I know the Donald was hoping Pier's team would have lost. Trace's team brought in 25,000 to Piers 32,000. It was a shocking blow for Trace's team. It was like good vs evil. The Donald was definitely in a quandry. He acted like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, what to do, what to do. As he dismissed Piers team, he implored Trace's team for one of them to resign but each one said no. They stood as a united front, each one displaying halos above their heads. Who could he find fault with, Stephen, Marilu, Tito, Trace? In the end, Trump could not find it in his heart to let anyone go, so he made the decision not to fire anyone, but did a very King Solomon like thing and told Marilu that she would switch places with Piers on the other team, that way, Trump was covering his option, either way, next week Piers or Omarosa will be out, unless of course, someone else really messes up.
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