This season of Big Brother shouldn't be called "Until Death Do Us Part"-I know CBS really wanted to call it "Dimwits and Dumb Chicks". This season pairs the house guest up with their soulmates-oh please, who did they consult, the yellow pages? The house guests look so mismatched, it's crazy. Where do they find these people? For examp
le, Natalie, who believes in bikinis, coffee and God (in that order). Her profession is Bikini Barista-I didn't know that was a profession! I bet she makes more money than I do however! I'm sure we're going to see alot of her assets during this season. We also have this season's token gay couple, Joshua and Neil, who seemed perfectly happy when paired with each other, as they happily scampered off to look for their bedroom, oh yeah did I say they have to sleep with each other? The wrench in this pairing is Jen and Ryan, the secret couple of the house who have been paired with someone else. Already Ryan looks like the jealous type, so we'll see how long this smoldering secret will lay low. The token older person, Shelia, whose a 46 year old model, looks great, but where's her soulmate, since everyone in the house is under 20? She's already has been labeled the cougar of the house and called Ma twice! My heart goes out to her, since I am someone of a certain age and knows exactly where she's at! Don't call me your Ma, kid! Matt, the Boston Rob of the group, seems so totally self absorbed with himself and his muscles.
Julie Chen then pair
s all the couples and they run to find their bedrooms, but oophs, there's no more room at the inn and the last two couples have to sleep in sleeping bags, together or do they at least get their own? Poor Sheila not only is she the oldest, but is paired with Adam, whom I'm sure is a nice guy (he works with autistic kids) but does have a manic buggie eyed look about him. She complains incessantly on her pairing up with him, which I'm sure is not a good way to start making friends in the house. He of course feels offended and starts calling her Ma, which she says quit calling me Ma. Adam-ok Ma.
The first challenge is for the power couple of the house. The power couple will then eliminate the first couple of the season. The challenge involves hanging on a cable clinging to each other for as long as possible, which requires them to be very close together. Sheila tells Adam, sorry my breath stinks, which he immediately says it smells bad! After about an hour and a reach for the special $10,000 pink pillow, Jen and Parker win.
It should be interesting, with Jen and Parker as the power couple, as the other half, Ryan thinks he's safe with Jen in charge, but Parker is thinking about getting rid of Ryan, because he looks like a threat for challenges.
After everyone enters the house and introduces themselves, you can see everyone totally checking out each other for a possible hook up, remember those cameras kids! Then Julie springs it on them that they will be paired up according to a questionaire they all took before arriving. Everyone seemed pretty happy with their matches except former model, Shiela. She gets all excited thinking she is going to get paired with one of
the hunky hot bodies. But, alas, it is not to be and she ends up with bug-eyed, nose picker Adam. Shiela starts crying when they announce them a pair and doesn't let up saying "I like tall dark and handsome" don't we all? Suck it up lady, you don't have to marry the dude just win the competition and you won't have to see him ever again! And besides, what makes you think any of those young studs were lusting after you anyway, not with all of those young airheads running around. Ryan & Jen, a real dating couple, get paired with others and Ryan's jealousy rears up
right away. If they stop to think about it, being with other people increases their chances of winning. But, hey, that would require one to actually think. Loved Joshuah & Neil skipping to their room saying "gay zone here, no straights allowed".
The second challenge was a take off of the Newly Wed game. Where's Bob Ubanks? I loved that show! Lordy, I'm getting old! The part I missed was when did Sheila start cozying up to Adam? Everytime they got a question right she was all hugging on him with her chest in his face. Talk about sending mixed signals. The costumes were a nice touch, I was rolling seeing some of those. Those questionaires must have been pretty good because most of the couples were matching quite well. Amanda butt cheeks and Eric made the most matches and become HOH. Next week, will Sheila keep bad mouthing Adam and will Amanda find some shorts that fit? Double D

In the next episode we still see Sheila still griping about her pairing with Adam especially when Adam states that he wants to raise money so he can open up a hair salon for retards, so the retards can get their hair done. I'm not kidding, he used those words! Ok, I'm not easily shocked but that remark was just wrong, especially coming from someone that works with autistic kids. His attitude was, I work with them, I don't see anything wrong with that. Hello, someone needs some sensitivity training. Shelia of course was floored, grossed out, disgusted did I leave anything out?
Hey, tell me, did I miss something between Ryan and Jacob? All of a sudden Jacob is targeting Ryan by telling Jen, who tells Parker that someone said that Parker is a snake, then Parker calls out Jacob to tell him who said it. Then Sharon gets involved, tells Jen, who tells Parker that Sharon implied that it was Ryan. Whew, I'm exhausted! All this high school drama leads Jen to come clean with Parker that she and Ryan
are a real life couple, which then leads Ryan to tell his partner, Allison who when she hears this is not very happy about it. She secretly had designs for Ryan. I'm thinking she'll be the one to spill the beans to the house. Wrong move Ryan! In the end, Jen and Parker must have figured out who was doing all the stirring of the pot and voted to eliminate Jacob and Sharon. Good! They deserved it and each other. Good riddence!

The HOH challenge was shades of the newlywed game and doggone it, it looked like Shelia was cozying up to Adam, maybe there's a love connection there afterall as noted by the returning lovebird hosts, Eric and Jessica. Life after Big Brother really does exist. The gay couple look like a match made by the village people-maybe there will be a love connection there too! Alex and Amanda won HOH-now Amanda go and find some pants, your butt is hanging out or as my daughter said, she's wearing booty shorts! Madison get to bed right NOW!-Single D
I have to say I have only watched like two episodes ever of Big Brother. Single D told me I would be hooked. I had my doubts, but she is right, I'm hooked! Especially with this couples thing going on. The characters, and characters they are, together might light a light bulb but I guess that's what's it's all about. First we have the bikini barista who loves God (what's not to love about the creator of the universe?), a self professed high maintenance girl, a former model who is the token older person and Matt the horn dog who is totally in love with himself.

The first challenge was one person suspended over the other, picking them up and holding on for as long as possible. After they had been holding on for awhile, they find out if they pick up a pillow from the bed underneith them and they win, they get $10,000. Sheila lets go first, no surprise there and Jen & Parker hold out the longest winning the money and the first to be named Power Couple which means they get to evict any couple they want. The obvious choice is Adam & Sheila with all of their fighting. But Parker hears someone called him a snake and trys to find out who said it. It was Jacob who said it but tells Parker it was Ryan which makes Parker want to evict Ryan which prompts Jen to tell him that she and Ryan are a couple which makes Ryan run to Allison and tell her and, I'm sure, that Allison will go and tell everyone in the house. Yes, that did make me feel like I was back in high school. Because of his dishonesty, Jacob & Sharon get the boot. After a tearful farewell it was on to the next challenge.

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