And then ther
e were five. Who knew when they brought back Chris, he would make it this far? I guess designing floats will have to be put on hold for a while.
Heidi (does she ever have a bad hair day? Hate her!), assembles the designers and tells them that this time there will be two eliminated, but first a field trip. I think this season's crew got gyped because they didn't get to go Paris like last time. Instead they are meeting Tim Gunn at the Metropolitian Museum of Art. Here Tim tells them that they are to create a design inspired from art in the museum. As they walk through the Greco-Roman section with the statues of Greek Gods and 
Goddess, you can see Rami's face light up. He's in draping heaven with all the half naked statues clad in togas and draped gowns. To quote Rami, "it's what I do", no honey, it's the only thing you do. They are each given a camera to take pictures that will inspire creation. Our poodle dog Christian is so exicited as he spies a Spanish military painting which is just his thing, all those stiff collars and black colors-does he ever design something other than black? Chris finds a portrait of a lady dressed in a big bow, operative word here is Big. Sweet Pea focuses on a painting of a peacock, good idea in theory, but could she apply it to a real design? Jillian chose a painting with a cast of thousands in a war scene-the characters were so small, it was hard to tell what exactly she was looking at. When they entered the Temple of the Dreaded Door (at least that's what it sounded like), I thought had they stumbled upon the Indiana Jones set? Hey, where's Harrison?
Back at t
he studio, Christian and Chris stage the battle of the fluffy pieces, Christian's marshmellowy white blouse and Chris's enormous grey taffata bow. It seems that Christian always manages to finish his work in record speed, creating three pieces and then turning to look at Jillian and remarking that she has been pressing for 3 hours. Jillian informs him that she's doing pleats! Oh pleats, should have known those take 3 hours! She used that iron so much that at the end of the challenge it didn't work anymore! Chris makes another over the top or in this case over the shoulder design similar to the one he created with Christian, you remember that rufflie shady beige thing? Only this one is more tame, or lame. All this sewing of shoulder pieces wears Chris out so that he has to take a nap looking like some giant slumbering bear in the dead of winter.
And what were Rami and Sweet Pea doing? Rami of course was draping a rather d
ull looking dress that even Aphrodite would send it back to her hand maidens. We need drama, we need pazzazz! Rami put a rod in it! It was very pretty, but would it wow the judges? Sweet Pea's idea of the peacock did not translate to her dress very well. I expected to see a cascade of feathery eyes on a bright blue train, but instead we got a cocktail dress again!
In the end it was not enough to keep her in the running and she was eliminated, as Michael Kors said, she can design for the commercial, but can she design for the runway? Chris and Rami were spared the auf as one of them should have been gone. I guess the judges couldn't decide which they liked better or worse, or maybe they couldn't understand guest judge Roberto Cavalli heavily accented auf or in his case, arrivederci.-Single D

It's off to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for inspiration for the designers this week. They were to chose a piece of art to design around. Rami chose the Roman era, no surprise there with all the draping. He was like a dog loose in the meat department, he didn't know which way to go first! Draping over here, no wait, draping over there, no wait.... In the Egyptian display Chris is checking out a temple and says, "Look Joan Rivers carved her initials here when she was a little girl".
In the work room, Christian is off to the races making a poofy swashbuckler outfit, think Pirates of the Carribean gone bad. Sweat P's inspiration was a peacock. I thought, cool she could make all kinds of things with that, but no, she had to make another regular dress. She does make cute things but this is your last chance honey, go all out. I'm actually surprised that she made it this far. Then her model doesn't show up for the fitting making her worry that she wouldn't finish on time. Hey girl, you were talking to Jillian the queen of last minute, take a few pointers from her.
Jillian came up with another coat. She is really good at that and it was adorable. The halter dress was done in gold and when her model opened the coat, it was lined in gold which really wowed the judges. I'm sure her model even forgave her for scalding her with the iron. Jillian, step away from the iron before you hurt anymore innocent bystanders!
Chris, didn't you already make that dress? With that big @ss wrinkled shoulder piece that took so much out of him that he had to go take a nap. Personally, I think just walking up to the work room makes him have to take a nap. It looked like Tim Gunn really enjoyed waking him up to ask him if he was finished. Chris said yes he was finished which earned him one of Tims famous lines "I'm worried". Then there was Rami and the ever present draping. It was a nice dress but hardly worth a WOW.
In the end Sweet P gets auf'd and it is a design off between Chris & Rami. Now we know Chris will have some over the top outfits and Rami will probably drape his way down the runway. Double D
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