I was so happy when loveable Natalie won the HOH, now all she has to do to seal the deal is put James and Joshuah on the block for eviction. Natalie is big on numbers but she has forgotten which number it is. Last episode it was the number 8, this time she's thinking the number 7. Seventh week (no it's week eight, Nat), seven this and seven that. Which is it Natalie, 8 or 7? When Natalie read the letter from home, I don't care how much the house says that Natalie is dumb or stupid, there wasn't a dry eye in the HOH room. The pictures of Natalie were amusin
g, "oh here I am when I won a bikini contest, here I am hugging a tree (she's from Oregon), here I am this and here I am that". James was particularly annoying this episode, especially wearing that little red riding bathrobe. The guy has such bad taste in clothing! James tries to make a deal with Natalie not be put up this week. Natalie agrees to the final two. What? Natalie if you make a deal with him, it will be like making a pact with the devil!

The food challenge was a tame psychological guessing of what the housemates would choose, eat slop or food. Everyone over psychoanalyzed the whole thing. Houseguest had to put their token in a watermelon, then smash the watermelon to retrieve the token. Of course each houseguest chose slop
except for Adam, good choice because only he and Natalie will be eating real food this week.
James has a melt down and gets up in the middle of the night to play solitary pool and cry in the hammock. Go ahead James have a good cry, where's that big tough righteous self? Not so big and bad in your red riding hood? You just need to leave because I hate your taste in clothes!

I thought for sure maybe Natalie would try to backdoor James as Ryan suggested, but thinking of all the different possible outcomes, that would be risky at best. Thankfully, Natalie put up James and the block virgin, Joshuah up for eviction this week. Hopefully, James, the Veto King, will not win the veto again!-Single D
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