This episode has Sheila whispering to James in the sauna. First of all, why is Sheila in the hot sauna with her clothes on (how do I know it was hot, because James was sweating)? And second why is she giving James words of encouragement? She's telling James, you can do it, you're strong, blab, blab, blab. I'm like, Sheila are you crazy? She's like the twenty personalities of Sybil. James feels so much better after that conversation, maybe it was the sauna? He goes to take a nap, when next we see Sheila, talking to everyone else in the house, saying t
hat no good rat, James, needs to leave. Sheila is talking so loud, Natalie says keep it down or James will hear you. She's says she doesn't care. Well, this leads to James hearing everything, of course. He comes out and goes off on Sheila. They have a verbal smack down. I think the most disturbing thing with this whole scene was not the verbal backlash, the screaming, the yelling, but James in his black Victoria Secret panties. Yuck! James goes back in the diary room to cry about how alone he is without Chelsia. Two words-boo hoo! Now if only the house can keep James from winning the Veto, everyone, including myself will be happy.

The veto competition involves guessing how much weight is involved with certain items, popcorn, gumballs, blocks, etc. Object of the game is to outwit the other house guest, by either folding or staying with your answer. At first it seemed James was going to fold every time. The definite blunder of the game was when Sheila and Ryan went up against each other. Ryan is really, really stupid. He should have folded when his only other opponent was Sheila and let her win that round, but no, he goes up against her, so one of them is eliminated. So of course you know where this is leading, yes, I had to throw myself on the floor in fits of frustration! I pounded my feet and fist and screamed No, No, NO, why, why, why?!!! James, the veto king won the veto again! I know my friend Jeff was so happy when that happen
ed, he's a James supporter. Well I guess there has to be one person in America rooting for him!

A dreaded fear creeps over the house, as James is jumping for joy and Joshuah plummets to despair. Gee this sounds like some kind of soap! Sharon is crying in her slop thinking she will be put on the block with Joshuah. She runs in the bathroom with Sheila in tow. Sheila goes in to comfort her. "Sharon, Joshuah will be your best friend forever, he loves you, blah, blah, blah," while Joshuah is already plotting against Sharon. Are we women so dumb, well, I know Sheila is dumb. They say Natalie is the dumb one, but it's Sheila that doesn't have a clue. She has the word "Gullible" tattooed on her forehead. She believes everything people tell her. Even when James used the veto and took himself off the block and gave Sheila, some harsh words, she thought he was giving words of encouragement to her. Hello? Anyone in there?

Joshuah decides to play up the sympathy card and is crying in his pizza. Hey, I thought the house had to eat slop? And the Academy Award goes to Joshuah for Crocodile Tears. Adam, I hope you are not buying into this! Ryan is still trying to protect Joshuah, which makes me scream at the TV, you turd! I hate all the scheming and planning before the eviction. It makes me so nervous. But, at least Natalie has come to her senses and tells Sharon that Joshuah wants her evicted, so the girls form an alliance to get rid of Joshuah. Finally, one plan comes through and Joshuah is evicted. What's up will all the departing speeches? Joshuah gives his holier than thou speech and walks out, take that, beeaches! Hey Joshuah, your mother was cringing at all your bad behavior, so don't give me that holier than thou attitude!
The HOH competition was a numbers challenge, which I thought great, the one person into numbers, Natalie can't play. Thankfully, the odds were against James to win and Adam came through for the other side. Better Adam than James or Sharon, but I'm thinking he might be a loose cannon and who knows anything could happen.-Single D
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